LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Condes' Manager Dante Ortiz Responds to 'Quinito' Henson's Article PhilBoxing.com Sat, 18 Jul 2009 This is the 3rd time “Quinito” Henson wrote in the Philippine Star newspaper and Philboxing.Com about me, with malicious misinformation. Yes!... I say malicious because I am sure that Henson is well informed about the topic Jaro’s – Condes – Ortiz he posted last July 10, 2009 under the head line “DON’T BLAME SAMMY.” Using that sublime headline for the article, attack myself as Florante Condes boxing manager, but praise and try to help his possible “friends and partnership in boxing business” Alice and Aljoe Jaro. Let me refresh what Joaquin “Quinito” Henson with malicious intention wrote. In the 2nd paragraph Henson wrote and I quote; “Condes whose manager is Puerto Rican Dante Ortiz. The fighter take home amounted to only $6,533 net of deduction. What a pittance compare to the piles that Filipinos fighters earn in Las Vegas shows.” I answer to Quinito Henson: He should specify that’s $6 thousands and 533 are american dollars from an original $15,000 purse, also the south african promoter paid in Condes benefit over 2 thousands dollar for S. African government taxation duty. Definitely a good save for Condes team. I ask how much is the pile of thousands dollars “Quinito“ Henson are willing to pay Florante Condes, for a non title fight in Philippines, Joaquin Henson as a promoter? Condes said severals time that he never take home under Alice and Aljoe Jaro “management” more than, 4 hundreds american dollars, some fights as a Philippines national champion. Joaquin Henson, for you information the average purse (gross) for a non title 10 rounds fight here in Las Vegas, are some 5 to 7 thousands dollars. For 12 rounds non world title is some 8 to 10 thousands. Here are this example; When Filipino Czar Amonsot fight against Puerto Rican Jose Reyes at the Orleans & Hotel Casino in Las Vegas the purse for both fighters was around $5 thousands, despite Amonsot was a 130 pound world wide ranked in to the first 10, and 7 heavy category than Condes, who’s only 105 pounds. As Reyes agent I arrange his purse and saw both fighters contract. Florante Condes fight happened in South Africa, not in Las Vegas. In the 3rd Paragraph Henson wrote and I quote; “ Since “certain quarters“ manage to convince the GAB (Game and Amusement Board) to turn over Condes’ contract from Aljoe Jaro to Ortiz in a settlement of a dispute, the fighter never been the same”. “Then, Jaro was taken out of the picture and Condes’ career went down hill”. I answer to Henson; With this statement journalist Joaquin “Quinito“ Henson disrespect the GAB staff. Don’t tell me that you don’t know what happen with Alice and Aljoe Jaro during the 3 days meetings at the GAB main office in Manila (Oct. 2007), where participated; GAB Chairman (appointed by the President of the Republic of Philippines) Hon. Eric Buhain, boxing Commissioner Dr. Cruz, GAB legal department Attorney, GAB secretary, Jaro’s lawyer Mendosa, (at least this people mentioned above are not naive to be manage to be convince), also present was Florante Condes, former world champion Morris East, * Cesar Trevino and my self Dante Ortiz of curse. 1st day of meeting, I request to the GAB that Aljoe Jaro have not right to participate in that meetings because by legal record he wasn’t Florante Condes manager. GAB Chairman Buhain backing my request, but Aljoe Jaro claim that his wife Alice, “the suppose Condes manager “ concede to him an affidavit with that power. Chairman Buhain ask to show the so call affidavit. Jaro answer was “I will bring tomorrow “. That never happen. Aljoe Jaro first goof. 2nd day of meeting, I ask Condes if he received from Aljoe Jaro” team $3 thousands and 333 dollars, an equivalent of 33% from the $10 thousands dollar I gave to Aljoe for him and the * fighters, (GAB Chairman Buhain, translated in Tagalog the Filipinos language, the question to Florante). Immediately Aljoe Jaro answer first than Condes with a laugh, YES! Then Condes repeat, Yes! But nobody who’s seat around the table believe it. Since that moment Florante Condes attitude to Aljoe Jaro change. He start to suspicious that something was wrong about hi$ finacial. Few days later Condes himself and his uncle in law let know to the GAB and me that Condes never receive the money. He still waiting. 3rd day of meeting, Cesar Trevino brought and gave to Florante Condes at front of everybody in the GAB office a check for over $6 thousands 500 dollars. The check was made on Florante Condes name. Joaquin ‘Quinito” Henson. What do you thing happen with that money? Aljoe Jaro take the check and when with Condes to the bank and open a saving account, but on a dual name account, Florante Condes and Aljoe Jaro names, Aljoe keep with him the bank book. Few shorts weeks later the account was empty, Aljoe Jaro’s team withdraw all the money and Condes was broke. Alice and Aljoe Jaro complot made Condes feel brokenhearted, “never was the same and his career start downhill” like you said “ Quinito “Henson in the 3rd paragraph under the sublime title “DON’T BLAME SAMMY”. After all, Condes shelter himself in his native province of Romblon as a world champion but broke; financial, spiritual and distrustful. This happen after Condes became world champion. During the training and weight-in ceremony for the title fight in Jakarta, Indonesia (July, 07), Condes show his muscles with severals bodybuilder poses, similar to Manny Pacquiao, after that Indonesian ( FightNews.Com ) Journalist Jeff Pamungkas, nickname Florante Condes “Litle Pacquiao.” This nickname was before the fight, not after Condes beat Muhammad Rachman, as you said in 3rd Paragraph. Another Henson misinformation! Also after the weight in, Aljoe Jaro received in an envelope $2 thousands 500 hundreds dollars from Indonesian promoter, for Condes training expenses. These happen, after via the IBF as manager I request ($$) to the promoter. Where is that money? Aljoe never provide an income financial statement. Neither the $5, thousands american dollars he received from well known Filipino boxing business man Rod Nazario. Another example how for his benefits Aljoe Jaro, using Condes name and status as a world champion. I don’t know if Rod Nazario get back his money. That’s some others “$20 pisos”. Joaquin “Quinito” Henson, do you follow the accounting about all the mentioned money above? How much money Jaro’s couple put in their own pocket,? HOW AS MANAGER I GET FOR FLORANTE CONDES THE TITLE FIGHT OPPORTUNITY. In 3rd paragraph with wickedness Joaquin Henson wrote and I quote. “ You wonder why anyone wants to be a manager if he has neither the ability nor the reputation to arranges fights - unless all he’s after is a joyride to the bank” With this malicious statement Joaquin Henson, try to damage myself as boxing manager. Here are an example how I work as manager. Example; As manager I meet IBF president Mirian Muhammad, here in Las Vegas (january 20, 2007, Hatton vs Urango) 5 months after I became Condes manager and explain to her the potencial Florante Condes have to become a world champion. After all she answer to me and I quote. “Dante if you said so, I belive you, call Lindsey Tucker monday. After few telephone conversation with Tucker, under their suggestion I fax a letter to the IBF requesting to appoint Florante Condes as a mandatory challenger for the IBF 105 LBS belt of Muhammad Rachman. Two weeks later, early February Florante Condes was appointed the mandatory challenger Though two Filipinos, Rodel Mayol and Erick Cejon was ahead of Condes in the ranking. Henson may Ask him self; How I did it? The answers is simple; boxing manager ability. Then as soon your “friend and possible boxing business partner” Ajoe Jaro knew Condes status (mandatory challenger for the title fight) started to undermine and, claim, contact and try to do negotiation with the Indonesian promoter, also let know to the media (Philippines) that he was doing negotiation for Condes title fight. Big lied from Aljoe. But he contact the wrong promoter. Then the IBF, email to the correct Indonesian promoter that Dante Ortiz was the legal and only Florante Condes manager. Why this happen you my question your self ? Few months early the IBF ask to Alice and Aljoe Jaro to summit their manager contract agreement with Florante Condes. Jaro’s team never summit such contract. Alice and Aljoe Jaro never has a legal contract as Florante Condes manager, so all money they collect after Condes was appointed as mandatory challenger by the IBF and become world champion, was unlawful, absolutely in other words, they stolen it. That’s a felony. Should be return. The contract appear in the GAB , wich Alice Jaro claim are Condes manager was infiltrated by a ghost. Condes bid happen because the idiot and mediocrity attitude of Bobby Bostick (BB) promoter. Even though I conected on early time BB with Rachman manager and promoter in Indonesia. The over $6 thousands and 500 dollars check Cesar Trevino gave to Florante Condes, wich Alice and Aljoe Jaro thief from Condes was a real “ Joyride to the bank “as Quinito Henson wrote in 4th paragraph, was an arrangement as manager I made with Cesar Trevino to complete what I understand a decent purse Condes deserve as challenger for a 105 LBS title fight. Total of $ 13 thousands 250 dollars. After, Condes convince himself that Aljoe Jaro, stolen his money and claim back to this so call manager (Jaro), who also hidden and hold Florante Condes passport an open violation of Human Rights by the international law on the United Nation where the Republic of Philippines are member. IBF PRESIDENT MIRIAN MUHAMMAD SEND HEAVY WARNING TO THE GAB ABOUT ALJOE JARO For Florante Condes first defense in Mexico against Raul Garcia, summer last year’ Aljoe Jaro hold and try to keep for him self the IBF, Condes championship belt. After few unsuccessful attempt from Condes to recuperate the belt, I contact IBF president Mirian Muhammad, then Muhammad sent a heavy warning to the GAB via an email, wich made Jaro return the belt, then Condes arrive in Mexico as a world champion dress the belt. Condes wasn’t the only fighter complain to me about Aljoe Jaro, proceed. How as manager I arragment the title fight in Mexico, For Florante Condes I offer the opportunity to Garcia after I approache via a phone call the Puerto Rican manager Lou Mesorona, who conected me with boulder Mexican promoter Hectot Sanchez, who contact Mexican promoter in La Paz, B. California, Edrulfo Castillo who’s handle Raul Garcia career. Few days later, early in the morning Sampson Lewkowicz call me as Castillo representative, and ask me how much I want as a purse for Florante Condes, I answer, that the price was all ready request a $50 thousands american dollars net, (some $75 thousands gross) without deductions. His answer was not clear to accept to pay that amount. But I keep firmly in my demant, next day Lewckowicz call me and Garcia promoter say YES. Also was in the arrangement 5 tickets, the TV rights for Philipines and Indonesia. Any body else came after. The first meeting with the completed Condes team members in mexico, Lewkowicz said and I quote, “Fisrt we are here because Dante, that’s the true” Even before, for that same fight they offer to BB promoter $ 35, thousands gross. The Condes vs Joyi, fight in South Africa, was arrangement by me, when I approach and made first contact via email (Feb. 15) with Siyolo Dabula, who’s Joyi mentor, the arrangement about the purse and other benefits (March 13 ) then Dabula connect me with promoter Ziphatho Handi and the the fight was took and realize by promoter Branco. Who I, thanks. Again, any another person came after, and have nothing to be with the arrangement. Joaquin ”Quinito“ Henson, this deny what you wrote with wickedness in 4th paragraph! After all Condes become the first Filipino world champion, after Philippines was empty for few years, hours later Nonito Donaire became the 2nd. 1- Why Joaquin “Quinto” Henson help and praise Aljoe Jaro in this article, with so many lie and misinformation? 2- Why he betray his journalist IQ? I do this question because I know that Henson was very well informed about the true. Sometime ago I let know via email and phone calls (or both) to some Filipinos boxing writers about the Jaro’s team abnormally proceed (wich I understand are felony) against Florante Condes and others Filipinos fighters and Joaquin “Quinito” Henson was one of them, by the way some of this phone calls was made during he working in the Phil Star News Paper, and after that still protect blindly Aljoe Jaro, with misinformation and malicious articles. When I whent Philippines with Morris East, 2066 was to close a verbal agreement we made with Aljoe Jaro, also I brought wit me 2 contract made already, beside Condes also was to be sign Bernabe Concepcion and Sony Boy Jaro. The GAB should banned Aljoe Jaro from boxing activities for life. In the 3 meeting at the GAB, he lied and mocked for more than 10 times not matter the Cairman Eric Buhain was present. They also know (GAB) he’s a hardened thief and a crook and have a lot of proof about this matter. When Joaquin “Quinito “Henson, try to made damage to my self with the article he wrote, he really did more damage to himself and to the Filipinos journalist, wich their north are the true and devotion in the media. (I, Dante Ortiz, boxing manger of former IBF world champion Filipino Florante Condes, take full responsibility for the article written above.) Editor's Note: The above letter to the editor from Mr. Dante Ortiz was published in its entirety unedited as a response to the article written by Mr. Joaquin Henson at The Philippine Star on July 10, 2009 with a title 'Don't Blame Sammy'. |
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