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The Past Week in Action 29 August 2023: Usyk KOs Dubois in 9; Astrolabio Stops Nawaphon in 11; Anderson TKO 5 Rudenko

- Oleksandr Usyk knocks out Daniels Dubois in nine round in defence of the IBF, IBO, WBA and WBO heavyweight belts but huge controversy over a “low punch” which saw Usyk down and given four minutes recovery time. There are wins for Denys Berinchyk over Anthony Yigit and Hamza Sheeraz over Dmytro Mytrofanov
- Vincent Astrolabio scores stunning eleventh round stoppage of Nawaphom in WBC bantamweight eliminator
-Jared Anderson continues to progress as he stops Andrei Rudenko in five rounds and in other heavyweight fights in Tulsa Efe Ajagba wins on a fourth round disqualification over previously unbeaten Zhan Kossobutskiy and Bakhodir Jalolov knocks out Onoriode Ehwarieme in one round also Filipino Charly Suarez makes it three wins in three different countries on the road.
- Oscar Collazo outclasses Garen Diagan and wins on a sixth round retirement in WBO minimumweight title defence
- Mea Motu and Lani Daniels win title fights in New Zealand

World Title/Major Shows

August 26

Wroclaw, Poland: Heavy: Oleksandr Usyk (21-0) W TKO 9 Daniel Dubois (19-2), Light: Denys Berinchyk (18-0) W PTS 12 Anthony Yigit (27-4-1). Middle: Hamzah Sheeraz (18-0) W TKO 2 Dmytro Mytrofanov (13-1-1). Middle: Anauel Ngamissengue (13-0) W PTS 8 Fiodor Czerkaszyn (22-0). Light Heavy: Daniel Lapin (8-0) W TKO 6 Aro Schwartz (20-7-1). Middle: Rafal Wolczecki (10-0) W TKO 3 Roberto Arriaza (19-8). Heavy: Lazizbek Mullojonov (4-0) W TKO 1 Nursultan Amanzholov (5-1). Welter: Vasile Cebotari (14-0) W TKO 6 Joel Julio (39-18).

Usyk vs. Dubois
Usyk retains the IBF/IBO/WBA and WBO titles with ninth round knockout of Dubois with the outcome of the fight overshadowed by a controversy over whether a punch from Dubois in the fifth round landed on or below the belt and Usyk making full use of being allowed around four minutes to recover from the punch
Round 1
Plenty of probing as they each tried to establish their jab with Usyk just that bit quicker. Dubois tried a couple of rights but Usyk moved away from them and landed a couple of jabs to take close round. 
Score: 10-9 Usyk
Round 2
Usyk was throwing plenty of jabs with Dubois looking to land counter rights but not quick enough. Usyk worked and threw punches for the whole three minutes and landed a couple of straight lefts one of which set Dubois back on his heels.
Score: 10-9 UsykUsyk 20-18
Round 3
Usyk continued to work behind his jab threading an occasional straight left through Dubois guard. Dubois was warned for a punch that crept low. Dubois was not throwing enough punches and Usyk was able to block or move away from those he did throw. Dubois scored with a long right but Usyk replied by twice piercing Dubois guard with a right jab following with a straight left and a quick burst of punches at the bell
Score: 10-9 UsykUsyk 30-27
Round 4
A good round for Dubois. He finally took the fight to Usyk instead of standing back looking to counter. He was jabbing strongly ad firing rights. Usyk was less effective and less accurate but was still getting through with jabs making it a close round.
Score: 10-9 DuboisUsyk 39-37
Official Scores: Judge Stanley Christodoulou 38-38 TIED. Judge Paszek Jankowiak 40-36 Usyk, Judge Pawel Kardyni 39-37 Usyk
Round 5
Just seconds into the round Dubois landed a shot that was to cause huge controversy. It was a right to the body which had Usyk turning away bent double and then going down propped up against the ropes. The referee decided it was low but unintentional so he stopped the fight to give Usyk recovery time. It was a minute before Usyk climbed to his feet. He then stood holding on to the top rope . The referee checked if Usyk was ready to continue but it was almost four minutes before Usyk was ready to continue and the fight recommenced. Usyk was moving freely with Dubois pressing trying to capitalise on whatever advantage he had gained from Usyk being hurt by the punch. Dubois was warned for a low punch and Usyk was back in control spearing the retreating Dubois with jabs and connecting with a couple of lefts. 
Score: 10-9 UsykUsyk 49-46
Round 6
This was a closer round with Usyk dancing around Dubois jarring him with jabs and landing long lefts. Dubois was on target with some good rights to make it close but again Usyk was throwing more and landing more. 
Score: 10-9 UsykUsyk 59-55
Round 7
Another round for Usyk. He was constantly moving around Dubois scoring with right jabs and straight lefts. Dubois landed a couple of good rights but at the end of the round Usyk was storming forward landing a stream of lefts and rights and visibly shaking Dubois with a left.
Score: 10-9 UsykUsyk 69-64
Round 8
Dubois scored with a good right at the start of the round with Usyk continuing to bounce around looking for openings. Dubois landed a pair of rights but then Usyk took over. He was storming into Dubois landing rights and lefts and Dubois went stumbling back and then dropped to one knee. Dubois only just beat the count and the bell went before Usyk could land another punch.
Score: 10-8 Usyk Usyk 79-72
Official Scores: Judge Stanley Christodoulou 78-73 Usyk. Judge Paszek Jankowiak 79-72 Usyk, Judge Pawel Kardyni 79-72 Usyk.
Round 9
Dubois was warned for a low punch then Usyk was jarring Dubois with jabs and he clipped Dubois with a right hook. Dubois fired back with a right but then Usyk forced him back and landed a strong right jab with Dubois going down on one knee and he was counted out when rising. A disappointing finish as Dubois had taken harder punches in the fight so to be knocked out by a jab was unsatisfactory. Usyk is hoping that he can still land a fight with Tyson Fury. The WBA are unlikely to order a rematch with Dubois and Filip Hrgovic may be the next opponent for Usyk with Martin Bakole an outsider for the next opponent. Not sure where Dubois goes from here. Obviously he will be hoping the WBA do order a rematch but if they do the IBF are unlikely to sit back and let that happen and would push Hrgovic’s case. Dubois is still only twenty-five which is young for a heavyweight .
Berinchyk vs. Yigit
Berinchyk takes a unanimous decision over Yigit as he stages a strong finish to overcome Yigit’s early lead. Yigit made the better start with plenty of movement and right jabs. Berinchyk was as aggressive as always but Yigit was boxing cleverly on the back foot and frustrating Berinchyk’s attacks. He was circling Berinchyk darting in with a couple of punches then out. Berinchyk kept trying to walk Yigit down but only had any success when he was able to pin Yigit against the ropes or in a corner. Yigit was cut early over his left eye but shrugged that off. He had to rely on speed as he did not have the power to keep Berinchyk out so was not looking to stand and trade but get in land a punch and get out. Berinchyk kept switching guards and focusing on the body to slow Yigit. By the end of the sixth Yigit had built a good lead but Berinchyk’s relentless attacks began to have their effect on Yigit who was forced to stand and trade more with Berinchyk able to make inroads into Yigit’s lead. Yigit went back to his boxing but he was using up a lot of energy and Berinchyk kept pressing and scored heavily in eighth. He also had a good ninth with Yigit no longer dancing on his toes and looking very tired. Yigit pulled out some reserve in the tenth to make it a close round but Berinchyk attacked strongly in the eleventh putting the result in the balance. A great last round saw both boxers putting everything on the line as they ignored defence and went toe-to-toe and just whaled away at each other and it was Yigit who had more left and outslugged Berinchyk. I saw Yigit as a narrow winner but the judges disagreed and scored the fight for Berinchyk 117-111, 116-112 and 115-113. A former undefeated European champion Berinchyk was making the ninth defence of the WBO International title. He is No 4 with the WBO but with the big names in the division he will struggle to get a title shot unless Devin Haney decides to move up to super light. As for Yigit, after losing to Ivan Baranchyk for the vacant IBF light title in 2018 and further inside the distance losses against Rolando Romero and Keyshawn Davis he looked to be sliding away but he fought hard here and showed he still has plenty left. 
Sheeraz vs. Mytrofanov 
Sheeraz blows away Mytrofanov inside two rounds. The 6’3” Sheeraz towered over the 5’8” Mytrofanov and in the first minute of the round as Mytrofanov came forward he was sent down by a left jab. He bounced up and again came forward bobbing and weaving. Sheeraz scored with a couple of hooks to the body before coming forward and landing a left jab which sent Mytrofanov down for a second time. He got up only to be knocked off balance with another jab with a glove touching the canvas resulting in a third count. Sheeraz landed a heavy combination just before the bell but Mytrofanov stayed up. A straight right to the head sent Mytrofanov down just 40 seconds into the second round and the referee waived the fight over without a count. It said it all that Mytrofanov was twice floored by stiff jabs. Sheeraz retains the WBC Silver title with his twelfth successive inside the distance victory. Ukrainian Olympian Mytrofanov was facing his first real test and failed.
Ngamissengue vs. Czerkaszyn 
Congolese-born Frenchman Ngamissengue springs a major surprise as he takes a majority decision over previously unbeaten Pole Czerkaszyn. Ngamissenguepressed hard and looked to have won the first two rounds. He then gave Czerkaszyn a mountain to climb with two knockdowns in the third round and took the fourth as Czerkaszyn was still shaky from the knockdowns. The home fighter recovered with rounds five and six close but could be given to Czerkaszyn only for Ngamissengue to score better in the seventh with the last close. Scores 78-72 and 76-74 for Ngamissengue and a home score of 75-75. Ngamissengue taken the distance after five wins in a row by KO/TKO. A wake-up call for Czerkaszyn. 
Lapin vs. Schwartz
Polish-born Ukrainian southpaw Lapin wears down and beats German Schwartz in six rounds to win the vacant IBO Continental title. The 6’6” Lapin was six inches taller than Schwartz moving well and changing angles to open gaps for his lefts. Schwartz, also a southpaw, was never able to overcome the size deficit and only Lapin’s lack of power allowed Schwartz to stay in the fight. Schwartz slowed in the fifth and Lapin attacked strongly in the sixth landing uppercuts and hooks to the body and Schwartz dropped to one knee and although he made it to his feet showed no inclination to continue and the fight was stopped. Lapin was progressing to eight rounds in this fight. He gets his second win by KO/TKO and Schwartz his second loss by KO/TKO.
Wolczecki vs. Arriaza
Wolczecki disposes of Arriaza in three rounds. Wolczecki was rocked by a right hook in the first but quickly recovered. A body punch had Arriaza hurt in the second showing Wolczecki the path to follow. A left hook to the body dropped Arriaza in the third and although he beat the count anther left hook to the body put Arriaza down and the fight was stopped. Seventh win by KO/TKO for Wolczecki and fifth loss in a row for Nicaraguan Arriaza
Mullojonov vs. Amanzholov 
Uzbek Mullojonov stops Kazakh Amanzholov in the first round. After some early exchanges Mullojonov connected with three southpaw lefts forcing Amanzholov to the ropes. He then kept unloading punches with Amanzholov rocked by a couple of head shots and the referee came in and stopped the fight over protests from Amanzholov. Fourth win by KO/TKO for Mullojonov who won gold medals at the World Military and Asian Championships and a bronze in this year’s World Championships. Uzbek-born Kazakh Amanzholov was incensed by the stoppage and pushed and shoved the referee a couple times before being convinced to leave the ring.
Cebotari vs. Julio
Moldovan southpaw Cebotari stops Julio in the sixth. After a slow start Cebotari picked up the pace from the third and decked Julio in the fourth. Julio survived a punishing fifth but was down again in the sixth and the fight was stopped. All of the 21-year-okld Cebotari’s fights have been in either Poland or Ukraine. Spanish-based Colombian Julio has now lost his last fourteen fights. 

Tulsa. OK, USA:. Heavy: Jared Anderson (16-0) W TKO 5 Andri Rudenko (35-6,1ND). Heavy: Efe Ajagba (18-1) W DISQ 4 Zhan Kossobutskiy (19-1). Super Feather: Charly Suarez (16-0) W PTS 10 Yohan Vasquez (25-4). Heavy: Bakhodir Jalolov (13-0) W KO 1 Onoriode Ehwarieme (20-3). Welter: Ablaikhan Zhussupov (4-0) W TKO 5 Wiston Campos (33-12-6). Heavy: Jeremiah Milton (11-0) W PTS 8 Craig Lewis (15-7-1,1ND). Light: Abdullah Mason (10-0) W PTS 6 Cesar Villarraga (10-8-1). Middle; Sona Akale (8-1) W PTS 6 Nico Ali Walsh (8-1-1,1ND). Feather: Bruce Carrington (9-0) W PTS 8 Angel Contreras (12-7-2).

Anderson vs. Rudenko
Anderson outclasses and halts Ukrainian veteran Rudenko in five rounds. With Anderson having height and reach over Rudenko the Ukrainian had no choice but to put his head down and try to bull his way inside. Anderson was quicker and was spearing Rudenko at distance and dropping in rights. Anderson was cleverly changing angles to open Rudenko up for rights but Rudenko did land a left only to then have to eat jabs from Anderson. Rudenko tried to box at the start of the second but soon abandoned that after jabs and rights from Anderson had him retreating. Rudenko walked through a pile of jabs and hooks to get inside but again strong jabs from Anderson drove him back. Anderson kept jabbing but was also landing hurtful body punches with Rudenko having no answer to the speed and accuracy of Anderson’s punches. Rudenko was livelier in the third and occasionally looked dangerous with a ponderous swing but the result was no different. He still had no answer to Anderson’s jab and again had to absorb a bunch of punishing body shots. Rudenko did manage to land three rights in succession in the fourth but other than that it was Anderson again focusing on a body attack and a slow Rudenko getting slower. Rudenko had been given a couple of warning for punches to the back of the head and when he sinned again at the start if the fifth the referee deducted a point. Anderson then handed out some fierce punishment before pinning Rudenko against the ropes and unloading punch after punch until the referee came in and stopped the fight. Fifteenth inside the distance victory for Anderson who was defending the WBC USA and WBO International titles. At 39 the ponderous Rudenko was never going to be a threat to Anderson. He has lost whenever he has tried to move up but it gave Anderson the opportunity to show how he is developing and progressing. He is rated inside the top ten by the WBA, WBC and WBO but probably needs another three or four fights before he is ready to go for a title.

Ajagba vs. Kossobutskiy
Ajagba wins on a disqualification for low punches after Kossobutskiy suffered two point deductions. The first two rounds saw Ajagba scoring with jabs on a slow Kossobutskiy who was just walking forward behind a high jab but not letting his punches go when he did get inside. Kossobutskiy twice complained about some of Ajagba’s jabs landing low but no warning was issued. In the third Kossobutskiy landed a punch well below the belt and Ajagba went down on his hands and knees. Kossobutskiy was given a warning by the referee and had a point deducted. Ajagba landed a right that looked to be low and Kossobutskiy responded with one way below the belt and was deducted another point. Kossobutskiy then lunged to the attack but was slow and off target. Ajagba landed a punch below the belt and in the next exchange Kossobutskiy again went low with the referee taking no action. Ajagba ended the round banging home punches with Kossobutskiy not responding seemingly having decided he was not getting a fair deal so why try. In the fourth a totally dispirited Kossobutskiy landed a low hook that sent Ajagba down to his hands and knees and Kossobutskiy walked away knowing he was going to be disqualified and not caring. Not a satisfactory night for anyone. Ajagba looked as though he was going to be too quick for the lumbering Kossobutskiy so was robbed of what would have looked a good win and Kossobutskiy is highly unlikely to have promoters chasing him after his limitations were evident in his slow hands and poor footwork.

Suarez vs. Vasquez
Filipino Suarez safely defended his 100% record with a unanimous decision over Dominican Vasquez. Suarez had a big edge in skills and outboxed the competitive Vasquez. He used quick, precise jabbing to control the action and to overcome the reach advantage of Vasquez. Suarez built a good lead with Vasquez coming strong over the middle rounds as his aggression forced Suarez to stand and trade more. Suarez was also handicapped by a broken right hand so changed guards occasionally to spare his right and boxed his way to victory on scores of 98-92 twice and 97-93. Boxing away from home gives Suarez no problems. In December he beat 25-2-2 Defry Palulu in Vietnam and in March stopped 28-0-1 Pual Fleming in Australia. He won three gold medals at the South East Asia Games but lost to Joe Cordina at the 2012 Olympics. Vasquez came in with six wins in his last 7 fights. 
Jalolov vs. Ehwarieme
Jalolov crushes Ehwarieme inside a round. Southpaw Jalolov was just tracking the retreating Ehwarieme prodding out his jab then landed two lefts sending Ehwarieme down. He arose quickly and when the action restarted a left cross from Jalolov sent Ehwarieme down again. He made it to his feet but was sent down for a third time and the fight was stopped. The 6’7” Uzbek, the Olympic champion and World champion in 2019 and 2023, is getting very little publicity but he has to be a threat. Nigerian Ehwarieme, also 6’7”, has suffered quick losses against Rodney Hernandez and Zhan Kossobutskiy and was having his first fight for eighteen months. 
Zhussupov vs. Campos
Moving up to eight rounds for the first time Kazakh Zhussupov is too good for fellow southpaw Nicaraguan Campos. Zhussupov used his longer reach to boss the fight from the start he dropped Campos in the fourth and was punishing Campos in the fifth when the Nicaraguan’s team called for the fight to be stopped late in the round. Third win by KO/TKO for Zhussupov a former Youth World and Youth Olympics champion who won bronze medals to three World Championships. Campos was stopped by Josh Taylor and outpointed by Josh Kelly.
Milton vs. Lewis
Home town fighter Milton gets the win but without impressing. He easily outboxed a very limited Lewis in a slow-paced fight. Milton had Lewis shaken in the second but failed to capitalise on that and finally had to settle for a wide unanimous decision on scores of 79-72 twice and 80-72. Milton won his first five fights by KO/TKO but has had to go the distance for a win in three of his last five fights. Lewis in 1-6 in his last 7 fights but has been overmatched.
Mason vs. Villarraga
Talented southpaw Mason has to go the distance for his win. Colombian veteran Villarraga was never really in the fight. He had some minor success early but was rocked late as Mason won every round with a 60-54 score on all three cards. The 19-year-old prospect continued his development. Villarraga , 37, had just one win in his last nine fights but has only been stopped once.
Akale vs. Walsh
Akale hands Walsh his first defeat as he wins an upset majority decision. This proved an entertaining fight as Akale drove forward forcing Walsh onto the back foot but with Walsh firing heavy counters. Walsh had the longer reach and was able to score well at distance but could not keep the rumbustious Akale out so there was plenty of toe-to-toe trading which suited Akale. Walsh came close to turning things around when a left hook had Akale’s legs doing an involuntary dance in the fourth and he outslugged Akale in the fifth but Akale ended the fight strongly and won on scores of 58-56 twice and 57-57. Akale looked a fairly safe bet as an opponent as he had been stopped in six rounds by 19-27-3 Cameron Krael in June. Last time out Walsh was held to a split draw by 13-9-4 Danny Rosenberger but that was changed to a No Decision. 
Carringtonvs. Contreras
In his first eight round fight Carrington again showcased his excellent skills as he outpointed Contreras. It was a disciplined performance from Carrington as he used solid defence, hard, accurate counters and impressive combinations to offset the aggression of Contreras. Contreras just could not find any significant way to pierce Carrington’s defence but apart from a swelling under his right eye he never really looked in any trouble. Scores 79-73 twice and 80-72 for Carrington who shows improvement from fight to fight. Contreras was a good choice to give Carrington the experience of going eight rounds.

San Juan, Puerto Rico: Minimum: Oscar Collazo (8-0) W RTD 6 Garen Diagan (10-4). Light Fly: Angel Acosta (24-4) W PTS 10 Carlos Buitrago (37-10-1,1ND). Super Fly: Juan Camacho (16-1,1ND) W KO 1 Jorge Orozco (17-4-2).

Collazo vs. Diagan
Collazo retains the WBO title with a one-sided victory over Filipino Diagan. 
Round 1
Collazo used his right jab to put fellow-southpaw Diagan on the back foot. Collazo was shadowing Diagan around then ropes and getting through with his jab and Diagan was trying to land lefts but Collazo was too quick and did what scoring there was in the round
Score: 10-9 Collazo
Round 2
Collazo was too quick for Diagan. He was spearing Digan with jabs and slotting home straight lefts ad easily evading Daigan’s attempts to counter. Collazo was beginning to put together some quick combinations and doing a good job of cutting the ring off with Diagan spending most of the round with his back against the ropes.
Score: 10-9 CollazoCollazo 20-18
Round 3
Diagan had some success landing rights as he threw himself forward but for most of the round he was again on the back foot against the ropes with Collazo banging home jabs and scoring with fast bursts of punches.
Score: 10-9 CollazoCollazo 30-27
Round 4
Collazo chased Diagan for the whole round. He was finding gaps for his jab and scoring with hooks from both hands. Diagan Kept lunging forward but his punches were avoided or blocked and his lunges left him open for counters.
Score: 10-9 CollazoCollazo 40-36
Round 5
Collazo really began to put his punches together in this round. Diagan was still relying on lunging forward but without power or accuracy and Collazo rocked him a couple of times with hooks and Diagan looked to be coming apart. 
Score: 10-9 CollazoCollazo 50-45
Round 6
Collazo relentlessly hunted Diagan around the ring scoring with hooks from both hands. Diagan managed to land a couple of counters but was under constant fire by the end of the round he had nothing left and he retired in his corner. Collazo showed great skills and set a pace Diagan could not live with. This is his first title defence and sixth win by KO/TKO. He set a Puerto Rican record by winning the title in his seventh fight. Diagan had no business being in there with Collazo and made a poor challenger. 
Acosta vs. Buitrago
Comfortable if uninspired win for Acosta. He alternated between coming forward behind his jab and letting go with clusters of punches to head and body or boxing on the back foot and using his quicker hands to catch Buitrago with counters, By comparison Buitrago was slow and one-paced and not throwing enough punches. Neither was ever in any trouble and Acosta won an scores of 99-91 twice and 98-92. Acosta is a former WBO light fly title holder and had stopped Buitrago in the twelfth round of a WBO title defence in 2018. After losing his WBO title Acosta moved up to flyweight but was stopped in four rounds when he challenged Junto Nakatani for the WBO flyweight title in 2021. He has moved back down to light fly and won the vacant WBO International belt here. Nicaraguan Buitrago turned pro at 16 and has been unsuccessful in 4 shots at a full title and twice for interim titles. 
Camacho vs. Orozco
Camacho despatched Mexican Orozco with body punches in the first round. The taller Orozco used his longer reach to put Camacho on the back foot. Camacho got through with a couple of hooks to the body. Orozco continued to come forward but Camacho was gliding away from his jabs. As Orozco came forward again Camacho buried a left hook in Orozco’s ribs which sent Orozco down rolling in agony. He was up at six but when the action resumed Camacho drove him to a corner and landed four sickening body punches and this time when Orozco went down there was no way he was beating the count and he was counted out. Camacho was making the second defence of his NABF title and gets his eighth win by KO/TKO. First inside the distance defeat for Orozco.

August 23

Sydney, Australia: Super Feather: Liam Wilson (12-2) W PTS 10 Carlos Alanis (12-1). Super Welter: Nikita Tszyu (7-0) W TKO 6 Jack Brubaker (17-5-2). Super Welter: Benjamin Hussain (9-2) W PTS 10 Koen Mazoudier (11-3-1). Heavy: Kiki Toa Leuteie (11-2-2) W PTS 8 Toese Vousiutu (5-1). Light: Luke Jackson (21-2) W PTS 6 Tyson Lantry (10-5).
Wilson vs. Alanis
Wilson returns to action for the first time since his stoppage loss to Emanuel Navarrete for the WBO title in February. Wilson was looking to impress but Argentinian Alanis was negative constantly circling around the ring avoiding trading punches and with a good guard which made it difficult and frustrating for Wilson. Alanis did connect with a strong combination in the fourth but Wilson continued to press hard. He put Alanis down with a left hook to the body in the seventh and tried to put the Argentinian away but he had to settle for a points victory. Scores 100-89 twice and 98-91 for Wilson. He had floored Navarrete in their title fight and there was controversy over seconds Navarrete bought fiddling with his replaced mouthguard. Wilson is No 5 with the WBO so has work to do if he is to get another title shot. Argentinian champion Alanis never any threat.
Tszyu vs. Brubaker
Tszyu has to climb off the floor to stop Brubaker. Tszyu boxed well in the first spearing Brubaker with right jabs and straight lefts but Brubaker banged back with some good right hand counters. Tszyu built on his good start in the second again with a stream of straight lefts. He had Brubaker reeling at the end of the round but was showing a growing swelling under and to the side of his right eye. As they clashed at the end of the third Tszyu fell sideways but managed to avoid going down by putting a glove on the canvas and was given a count. A replay showed that it was a clash of heads and not a punch but the swelling under Tszyu’s was worse. Before end of the round Brubaker came close to a genuine knockdown as with 15 seconds remaining in the round a right staggered Tszyu badly and he fell into the ropes or he might otherwise have gone down. He was shaken by two more rights but made it to the bell. Tszyu scored heavily in the fourth and fifth and a series of lefts to the head had Brubaker rocking in the fifth and the referee stopped the fight. A tough test for 25-year-old southpaw Tszyu and he came through it. Brubaker had been stopped in four rounds by Tim Tszyu in 2019.
Hussain vs. Mazoudier
Hussain just edges by Mazoudier on a majority decision. Plenty of pressure and a focused body attack saw Hussain in front from the start with Mazoudier standing and trading instead of outboxing Hussain. Mazoudier eventually worked himself some space and began to eat into Hussain’s lead but just left it too late and Hussain won on scores of 96-94 twice and 95-95. Hussain lifts Mazoudier WBA Oceania title.
Leuteie vs. Vousiutu 
Leuteie wins a split decision over Vousiutu. Leuteie had to come from behind after being knocked down in the second round. An entertaining fight as these two were slinging bombs from the start and both were rocked a few times. Vousiutu had never gone past the second round in any of his previous five fights and he tired more over the late rounds but it was so close with Leuteie winning on scores of 76-75 twice to 78-73 for Vousiutu. Leuteie had lost over ten rounds against Demsey McKean and Justis Huni. 
Jackson vs. Lantry
Jackson gets a revenge win over Lantry. Jackson outboxed Lantry shook him the third and won all the way on scores of 60-54 twice and 59-55. This was Jackson’s first fight for fourteen months. It was said this would be the last fight for the former Olympian who beat future pro champions George Kambosos and Nicholas Waters as an amateur but lost to Carl Frampton for the interim WBO feather title. Jackson, 38, was celebrating a victory over drugs and alcohol which was much more important for him. 
Plant City, FL, USA: Light: Justin Pauldo (16-1) W PTS 10 Eduardo Estela (14-3). Super Welter: Leonardo Ruiz (13-0) W PTS 10 Raul Garcia (13-1-1). Super Welter: Johan Gonzalez (33-2) W TKO 5 Ricardo Villalba (20-10-1).
Pauldo vs. Estela
Pauldo wins unanimous decision. Estela took the fight to Pauldo in the first coming forward throwing hard rights with Pauldo on the back foot trying to use his longer reach to counter. Pauldo was able to make space for his jabs and counters in the second and third and rocked Estela with a counter right. The pattern was the same over the fourth and fifth. Estela was rumbling forward behind his jab throwing hooks to head and body with Pauldo more accurate picking his punches using his jab to force Estela back and landing short hooks. The sixth was also a contrast between Pauldo’s cool precise punching and ring craft and the Estela’s higher work rate. Pauldo looked to be on top but lost a point in the seventh for throwing Estela to the floor and Estela put in a big effort to take the eighth. Pauldo rebounded to outscore Estela in the ninth and take the tenth. Scores 98-91, 97-92 and 95-94 for Floridian Pauldo. He is 11-0 1ND in his last 12 fights with the ND a TKO loss changed to ND. Uruguayan Estela suffers his second consecutive defeat.
Ruiz vs. Garcia
Ruiz gets split decision in a fight he looked to have won clearly. The opening round saw just tentative jabbing with Ruiz doing what scoring there was. The pace increased a little in the second with Ruiz again on the target and Garcia warned twice for low punches. Garcia upped his output in the third jabbing well and going to the body with hooks. It was a brawl in the fourth with Ruiz getting the better of the exchanges. The fifth was fairly even until Ruiz landed a series punches and Garcia slipped to the floor and took a count. Garcia recovered as they fought inside in the sixth but the best punch was a right to the head from Ruiz. Garcia took it inside and out brawled Ruiz in the seventh. Both were gassed and the eighth and ninth were close but with Ruiz having the edge and Garcia put in a big effort in the tenth. Scores 98-91 and 96-93 for Ruiz and 95-94 for Garcia. Ruiz keeps his 100% record and successfully goes ten rounds for the first time. Dominican Ruiz had scored 11 wins by KO/TKO but Ruiz was the stronger.
Gonzalez vs. Villalba 
Gonzalez bludgeons Argentinian Villalba to defeat in five rounds. Gonzalez speared Villalba with a stream of jabs in the first and connected with left hooks to the body and straight rights. Villalba was too slow to respond. Villalba marched forward into trouble in the second and third as Gonzalez jarred him with jabs and clouted him with clubbing shots to head and body with Villalba soaking up too much punishment. Both looked tired in the fourth but Gonzale knocked Villalba’s mouthguard out with as right. Gonzalez dropped Villalba with a series of punches in the fifth. Villalba beat the count but was driven across the ring to the ropes and when he went down again under some booming rights the referee stopped the fight. The 32-year-old Gonzalez suffered a set back in a points loss against Magomed Kurbanov in December and is No 11 with the WBA. All of his 33 wins have come by KO/TKO. Sixth loss in a row for Villalba.


Monte Grande, Argentina: Light: Alan Dutra (11-0) W PTS 10 Gerardo Perez (9-4-1). 
Duarte continues his winning ways with a unanimous decision over an aggressive Perez. Duarte showed some accurate jabbing and short hooks to dominate the fight. Perez drove forward and had some success when he was able to pin Duarte against the ropes but was dropped by a left hook in the seventh and outboxed over the closing rounds. Scores 99-90, 98-91 and 97-92. Duarte, 22, is looking to challenge for the national title. Perez tough but limited and is 0-3-1 in his last four fights.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Minimum: Erick Rosa (6-0) W RTD 8 Orlando Pino (14-2). Fly: Jeifry Juan (8-0) W TKO 5 Franklyn De Paula (7-1). Bantam: Alfree Ramirez (8-2) W PTS 10 Wanel Lara (7-1).
Rosa vs. Pino
Rosa, holder of the WBA secondary title, stops Pino after eight testing rounds. Southpaw Rosa looked as though he was on his way to a quick win as in the first two rounds he pressed the retreating Pino relentlessly and blasted Pino with a barrage of body shots. Pino changed tactics from the third going toe-to-toe with Rosa and although Rosa continued to land brutal body punches Pino was getting through with hooks and uppercuts and often drove Rosa onto the back foot. Both fighters had slowed by the eight but seconds before the bell Rosa landed a left to the body that had Pino bending in half and then turning away into his own corner. There was some confusion as to whether he had retired. That was settled when he did not come out for the ninth. Rosa won the secondary WBA title in December and was to have fought real champion Knockout CP Freshmart but there has been a string of delays so Rosa took this fight to stay busy. Pino, 37, gave Rosa eight rounds of useful work.
Juan vs. De Paula 
Juan wins this all-Dominican fight with stoppage of De Paula. Although they had identical records this turned out to be a one-sided affair. Juan constantly switched guards and hunted De Paula down from the start. He worked his way inside and hammered at De Paul’s body and De Paul did not have the skill or power to keep Juan out. Juan landed a right in the fourth that had De Paula badly hurt. Juan then threw De Paul to the canvas which together with De Paul spitting his mouthguard out gave him a few seconds additional recovery time. Anther right put De Paula down later in the round and this time he was given a count and after applying the count the referee deducted a point for De Paula for again spitting out his mouthguard. A series of punches put De Paula down in the fifth and half way through the count he just got and walked back to his corner with the referee then waiving the fight over. Juan makes it six wins by KO/TKO and relieves loser De Paula of the WBA Fedecaribe belt
Ramirez vs. Lara
Ramirez floors and outpoints Lara. Tall southpaw Ramirez used his reach to keep Lara on the back foot and was scoring well with lefts to the body. Lara launched some fierce attacks but Ramirez generally coped well with the attacks and soon had Lara on the back foot again. Ramirez put Lara down in the eighth and looked a clear winner but had to settle for a split decision on scores of 96-93 twice for Ramirez and 96-93 for Lara. The win earned Ramirez the WBA Fedecentro belt. He is 9-1 in his last 10 fights and reversed the loss in that run with a kayo. Lara was unbeaten but his seven victims had just two wins between them. 
Guadalajara, Mexico: Fly: Sergio Mendoza (20-0) W PTS 10 Erick Lopez (16-10-2). Light: Jose Vazquez (13-0) W PTS 8 Jorge Mata (16-2-2,1ND). Super Welter: Carlos Rojo (10-0) W PTS 8 Bruno Salazar (7-7-2).
Mendoza vs. Lopez
Mendoza wins again but has to settle for a split decision over experienced Lopez. Mndoza had the better skills and outworked Lopez who was dangerous but only fought in spurts. Scores 96-93 and 95-94 for Mendoza and 95-94 for Lopez. The 23-year-old Mendoza is ready for tougher tests. Lopez has now lost his last five fights but back in 2020 he only lost on a split decision against Daniel Matellon for the interim WBA light fly title.
Vazquez vs. Mata
Both Vazquez and Kata were down to fight other opponents but were switched quite late to facing each other. The 21 year-old 
Vazquez took the split decision on scores of 78-74 and 77-75 against 77-75 for Mata who was unbeaten in 16 fights before losing to 32-1 Eduardo Hernandez.
Rojo vs. Salazar
Teenager Rojo utilised the trusted combination of hard accurate jabs and some good body punishment to win every round against Salazar with the cards all reading 80-72. The 17 year-old neighbourhood fighter turned pro at the age of fifteen. Salazar was 4-1 in his last five contests.

Cape Town, South Africa: Feather: Zolisa Batyi (7-2-1) DREW 12 Abdulaziz Kunert (11-2-1).
Batyi retains the South African title with draw against Kunert. It was close but Batyi just looked to have done enough to get the win, Scores 114-114 twice and 115-114 for Batyi. Kunert deserves another shot at this title having lost a split decision for the belt against Asanda Gingqi in 2021. Batyi was making the first defence of the title.
Atlanta Georgia USA: Middle: Vladimir Hernandez (14-5) W PTS 10 Lorenzo Simpson (13-1). Middle: Andreas Katzourakis (11-0) W TKO 8 Raphael Igbokwe (16-5).
Hernandez vs. Simpson
Mexican Hernandez wins the majority decision in this clash of southpaws as he uses high volume punching to outpoint the more skilful Simpson. The first round saw Simpson boxing and outscoring Hernandez but Hernandez began to really roll from the second. He just kept pushing out punches in a wild onslaught and shook Simpson with a right in the third. The fourth was a bit closer but Hernandez continued to outland Simpson. The fifth saw Simpson taking the fight to Hernandez and clawing back a round. The sixth and seventh were close but Hernandez had the edge and they both gave everything in the last which was again close but with Hernadez landing the better shots. Scores 79-73 and 78-74 for Hernandez and 76-76. Hernandez had scored impressive wins over experienced Alfredo Angulo and former IBF/IBO/WBA super welter champion Julian Williams but last time out in June was stopped in nine rounds by Carlos Adames in a fight for the WBC interim middle title. Simpson, 23, won nine gold medals in US Junior and Youth championships and has the talent to make this a temporary setback.
Katzourakis vs. Igbokwe
Greek Katzourakis recovers from a first round knockdown to stop Texan Igbokwe in the eighth. Just twenty seconds into the first round Igbokwe connected with a left to the head that put Katzourakis down. Katzourakis recovered and proceeded to outwork Igbokwe in round after round. Igbokwe managed to make some rounds close but Katzourakis was on his way to a points victory until he attacked hard in the eighth battering Igbokwe with a series of punches and the referee came in to save Igbokwe. Now nine inside the distance wins for the 25-year-old Katzourakis. Igbokwe was coming off tough losses against Serhii Bohachuk and Israil Madrimov.


Bangkok, Thailand: Bantam: Vincent Astrolabio (19-4) W TKO 11 Nawaphom Sor Rungvisai (58-3-1).

Astrolabio wins this WBC eliminator with a dramatic eleventh round stoppage of Nawaphom. Astrolabio went straight to work. Over the first three rounds he was taking the fight to Nawaphom scoring with fast, accurate jabs then following through with straight rights and left hooks. Nawaphom was slow and static and not quick enough to land any meaningful counters and only throwing single shots as Astrolabio swept the first three rounds. Nawaphom came to life in the fourth connecting with a hard right to the head and a solid body punch to make it the first close round. The open scores were 39-37 twice and 40-36 all for Astrolabio. The fifth saw Astrolabio still in control. There was a big change in Nawaphom in the sixth and seventh. Suddenly he was coming forward firing hooks from both hands and Astrolabio was standing static in front of Nawaphom who was landing heavy right crosses. The change in the fight was reflected in the scoring with two judges now having them tied on 76-76 with the third still having Astrolabio in front but now by only two points at 77-75 and not the four at the end of the fourth. Astrolabio did a bit better in the ninth but Nawaphom was still digging inn hurtful body pinches and forcing Astrolabio back. The tenth was brutal just a test of strength and endurance as they pounded away at each other. Astrolabio scored well at the start of the round but Nawaphom handed out serious punishment at the close. Astrolabio looked livelier at the start of the eleventh scoring with rights on the ever advancing Nawaphom and as they traded punches he scored with a right and a left hook. Nawaphom shook them off but when the again swapped punches Astrolabio produced a thunderbolt of right to the head that sent Nawaphom face down on the canvas. Nawaphom made it to his feet but he was very shaky and as Astrolabio banged home a burst of punches the referee came in and stopped the fight. A dramatic end to a blood and guts scrap. Astrolabio announced his arrival at the top table with a points win over Guillermo Rigondeaux in February last year but lost a majority decision against Jason Moloney for the vacant WBO title in October. He is now the mandatory challenger to WBC champion Alexandro Santiago. Nawaphom was stopped by Juan Hernandez in a shot at the vacant WBC fly title in 2017 but then put together a run of 20 wins before losing to Jason Moloney in October last year.

Cordoba, Argentina : Middle: Sebastian Papeschi (20-4) W PTS 10 Diego Carmona (13-2). 
Southpaw Papeschi outclasses Mexican Carmona. Both are southpaws but Papeschi’s right jab was quicker and more accurate and he set a fast pace from the start. Carmona was not able to get close enough often enough to be a threat. Papeschi kept moving around changing angles and finding gaps for his lefts. Carmona did well to last the distance despite a couple of cuts but was well beaten. All three judges scored it 100-90 and it is now 5 wins in his last 6 fights for Papeschi with this loss snapping a five-bout winning streak for Carmona.

Rosarito, Mexico : Bantam: Victor Reyes (24-2-1) W PTS 8 Jose Valdes (12-10-1). Middle: Endry Saavedra (15-1) W TKO 2 Oscar Meza (28-11).
Reyes vs. Valdes
Reyes takes the unanimous decision over Valdes but it was close. Constant pressure and a higher work rate gave Reyes the edge but he took the decision by the narrow margin of 77-75 on the judges cards. He moves to 15 wins in a row. Valdes could have pulled this one off but he did not have the punch to match Reyes. 
Saavedra vs. Meza
Saavedra gets a second round kayo win over Meza. Mexico-based Venezuelan Saavedra was landing vicious left hooks to the body in the first. Meza did go down but that was ruled to have been a punch to the back of the head. Meza was examined by the doctor and given some recovery time and eventually continued. As they swapped punches Saavedra continued to attack the body with Meza landing some clubbing head shots. In the second Saavedra sent Meza down with a left hook to the body. After the count Meza tried to punch his way out of trouble but dropped again under a barrage of punches at the end of the round and was counted out. Now twelve wins by KO/TKO for Saavedra but fourth inside the distance loss in a row for Meza. 

Carmen, Mexico: Super Bantam: Jose Cupul (13-6-1) W PTS 12 Oswaldo Garcia (16-1-1). 
Something of an upset as Cupul outpoints previously unbeaten Garcia to win the Mexican title. Former bantam champion Cupul was much smaller but managed to drag Garcia into a brawl and outworked a too casual Garcia to get the decision. No scores available but Garcia looked to have done enough to hold on to the title.
Auckland. New Zealand: Mea Motu W PTS 10 Ellen Simwaka (12-7-2). Heavy: Lani Daniels (9-2-2) W TKO 4 Razel Mohammed (3-1-2). Light Heavy: Jerome Pampellone (17-0) W TKO 1 Luvuyo Sizani (7-1). 
Motu vs. Simwaka
Motu retains her IBO belt with a decision over Malawian Simwaka. Motu showed guts in winning this one as she dislocated her shoulder in the first round. Simwaka was on top over the first two rounds but as Motu adjusted to the injury she took over from the third. Her power, accuracy and body attacks more than offset the busy style of Simwaka and although in trouble a couple of times Simwaka was competitive to the end. Motu won on scores of 97-93 twice and 98-92. This was Motu’s first title defence. Simwaka was IBF African bantam champion.
Daniels vs. Mohammed
Daniels successfully defended her IBF heavyweight title as she stopped South African Mohammed in four rounds. Quick hands and clever movement saw Daniels outbox Mohammed over the opening rounds. She began to put together some hurtful combinations in the third and the referee stopped the one-sided fight in the fourth. She was also making the first defence of her title and registered her first win by KO/TKO. She is 5-0-2 in her last 7 bouts. Mohammed lacked the experience to threaten Daniels.
Pampellone vs. Sizani
Pampellone needed just 61 seconds to blow away South African Sizani. Pampellone hurt Sizani with body punches and then rocked him with a right to the head and the referee quickly came in to save Sizani. This was for the vacant IBF Inter-Continental belt and gives Pampellone his tenth win by KO/TKO. He is No 7(6) in the IBF rankings. Sizani out of his depth.

Pyramide, Russia: Super Light: Vladislav Ayriyan (5-0) W TKO 6 Moses Paulus (40-9,1ND). Super Middle: Aslambek Idigov (23-0) W PTS 8 Meshack Mwankemwa (24-14-2). Heavy: Apti Davtaev (22-1-1) W KO 2 Mussa Ajibu (30-20-5).
Ayriyan vs. Paulus
Ayriyan stopped Paulus in the sixth round. His previous four fights had lasted a total of only seven rounds so he almost doubled his ring time with this win. Namibian Paulus, a former holder of the secondary WBA title, is well down the slippery slope as this is his sixth loss in a row. 
Idigov vs. Mwankemwa
A surprise here as Idigov had to work hard to get a majority decision over Tanzanian Mwankemwa. Idigov, the WBO No 10, was having his first fight for exactly a year and has yet to face a real rest. Mwankemwa is 0-7 in fights in Russia.
Davtaev vs. Ajibu
Davtaev knocks out the overmatched Ajibu in the second round. The 6’4” Davtaev is rebuilding after a surprise stoppage loss against Belgian Jack Mulowayi in April 2021 but this is only his second fight since then. Twenty-one of his twenty-two wins have come by KO/TKO. Malawian Ajibu, 37, is 2-13 in his last 15 fights with 12 of those losses by KO/TKO.

Commerce, CA, USA: Super Welter: Callum Walsh (8-0) W RTD 4 Juan Velasco (24-5). Welter: Gor Yeritsyan (16-0) W KO 2 Rogelio Doliguez (25-5-2). 
Walsh vs. Velasco
Irish southpaw Walsh beats Argentinian Velasco on a retirement. Walsh fed Velasco some hard, fast jabs to take control in the first. He shook Velasco with a right in the second and then slowed Velasco with some choice body punches in the third. The fourth saw Walsh bombarding a fading Velasco in the fourth and Velasco did not come out for the fifth. Walsh retains the WBC Silver belt with his seventh KO/TKO victory. Fourth time Velasco has lost inside the distance.
Yeritsyan vs. Doliguez
Armenian Yeritsyan disposes of Filipino Doliguez in two rounds. Yeritsyan took charge in the opening round and then finished Doliguez with a couple of body shots in the second which sent Doliguez down and he was counted out. Fourteenth victory by KO/TKO for Yeritsyan. At one time Doliguez looked promising as he racked up a 18-0-2 record but this was his first fight for four years.
Ontario, Canada: Super Light: Ernesto Mercado (12-0) W TKO 1 Carlos Portillo (23-5).
Local prospect Mercado disposes of Portillo in the first round. Much the smaller man Portillo tried to bull his way inside he was met with a left hook which sent him flying into the ropes and down. He made it to his feet but when he again tried to take the fight to Mercado he was nailed by a right to the head. He stumbled and put both gloves on the canvas and then staggered back and down. The referee started the count but then waived the fight over. In his last two fights the 21-year-old Mercado had stopped Hank Lundy in a round and outpointed former IBO champion Xolisani Ndongeni. Fourth loss in his last five outings for Portillo but all have been tough tasks.

Atlantic City, NJ, USA: Super Middle: Derrick Webster (29-4-1) DREW 10 Christopher Pearson (17-3-1,1ND). Super Light: Shinard Bunch (21-2-1,1ND) W KO 1 Abraham Afful (12-6-1).
Webster vs. Pearson
This clash of southpaws ended all even with the judges going for a split draw on scores of 96-94 Webster, 96-94 Pearson and 95-95. Webster, 41, had only one fight each in years 2019, 2020 and 2021 and lost them all so he has steadied the ship. This is Pearson’s first fight since being knocked out in eight round by Carlos Gongora in a challenge for the IBO title in April 2021.
Bunch vs. Afful 
Bunch takes less than two rounds to put away Afful. After outscoring Afful in the first a left hook put Afful down for the count in the second. Bunch had put together a twenty-bout unbeaten streak before losing a split decision against 23-0-1 Bryan Flores in April. This win makes it 17 wins by KO/TKO for Bunch. Ghanaian Afful is 0-3 in the USA with all three losses coming inside the distance.

Fight of the week (Significance): Usyk’s win over Dubois may now open the way to Usyk vs. Fury fight-but don’t hold your breath
Fight of the week(Entertainment): Denys Berinchyk vs. Anthony Yigit was a fast-paced quality fight but I go for Vincent Astrolabio vs. Nawaphom which was a brutal war with a dramatic finish
Fighter of the week: Putting aside the controversy over the “low blow” Usyk was much too good for Dubois. Honourable mention to Jared Anderson who improves from fight to fight. 
Punch of the week: The left hook to the body from Liam Wilson that floored Carlos Alanis was impressive but for me the right hook from Vincent Astrolabio that floored Nawaphom could not be bettered 
Upset of the week: Anauel Ngamissengue’s win over 22-0 Fiodor Czerkaszyn was unexpected 
Prospect watch: None I have not already posted.


Rosette: To the promoters with plenty of big and small shows to enjoy
Red Card: Zhan Kossobutskiy. He was 19-0 and given a chance to impress on a major show in the USA and blew it big time
-The controversy over the “low blow” from Dubois will rage on and on. The referee decided it was an unintentional low blow and took the right approach giving Usyk recovery time. He did not have the benefit of replays from 100 different angles that all those screaming about his “mistake” had. Usyk milked it for what he could. Not sporting? This was a heavyweight title fight and if you get a break you would be dumb not to take it. Was Dubois robbed of a kayo. We will never know but I feel sure if the referee had started to count Usyk would have been up and ready continue so a kayo is conjecture and not a fact. There was the contrast with Tulsa where there were some blatant low punches and recovery time was measured in seconds not minutes. Whenever I have seen a referee addressing the fighters before the fight starts when he is dealing with legitimate blows he inevitably places his hand above the belt line as the mark but a punch landing on the belt-which would be below the line indicated by the referee-is not considered low. A bit of clarity required there.
- A coincidences at the show in Wroclaw was that Berinchyk and Yigit fought each other at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Berinchyk won 24-23 and went on to beat Jeff Horn but lost in the final to Cuban Roniel Iglesias. The winner of the 91kg title in London was Usyk who incidentally beat Artur Beterbiev in the semi-finals.
-Oh, how I long for the old days when we had fighters such as Smith, Jones, Kim etc. This week I had to struggle with:
Fiodor Czerkaszyn
Anauel Ngamissengue
Nursultan Amanzholov
Lazizbek Mullojonov
Zhan Kossobutskiy
Onoriode Ehwarieme 
Ablaikhan Zhussupov
Meshak Mwankemwa
I know that no sympathy will be offered but I like to scream into the void now and then!

About the Author

Born in Scotland, Eric Armit started working with Boxing News magazine in the UK in the late 1960’s initially doing records for their Boxing News Annual and compiling World, European and Commonwealth ratings for the magazine. He wrote his first feature article for Boxing News in 1973 and wrote a “World Scene” weekly column for the magazine from the late 1970’s until 2004. Armit wrote a monthly column for Boxing Digest in the USA and contributed pieces to magazines in Mexico, Italy, Australia, Spain, Argentina and other countries. Armit now writes a Weekly Report covering every major fight around the world and a bi-weekly Snips & Snipes column plus occasional general interest articles with these being taken up by boxing sites around the world. He was a member of the inaugural WBC Ratings Committee and a technical advisor to the EBU Ratings Committee and was consulted by John McCain’s research team when they were drafting the Ali Act. He is a Director and former Chairman of the Commonwealth Boxing Council. Armit has been nominated to the International Boxing Hall of Fame the past two years (2019 and 2020) to which he said, “Being on the list is an unbelievably huge honour.”

Click here to view a list of other articles written by Eric Armit.

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