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The Past Week in Action 7 October 2024: Alimkhanuly Stops Mikhailovich in Sydney; Ball Halts Rios in Liverpool

Alimkhanuly drops Mikhailovich.
-Zhanibek Alimkhanuly stops Andrei Mikhailovich in IBF middleweight title defence
-Nick Ball halts Ronny Rios in WBA featherweight title defence

Major Shows:


Sydney, Australia: Middle: Zhanibek Alimkhanuly (17-0) W TKO 9 Andrei Mikhailovich (21-1). Feather: Mea Motu (20-0) W TKO 4 Shannon O’Connell (24—1).
Alimkhanuly vs. Mikhailovich
Alimkhanuly retains the IBF title as he drops Mikhailovich twice and gets ninth round stoppage.

Round 1
Mikhailovich was using a very high guard leaving him open to body punches. Both were probing with jabs then southpaw Alimkhanuly connected with a left to the head and dug one into the body. Mikhailovich darted inside and scored with a right but then Alimkhanuly tied him up.
Score: 10-9 Alimkhanuly
Round 2
Mikhailovich started the round with a couple of lunging attacks without success. Mikhailovich kept coming forward but again Alimkhanuly was tying him up inside. Alimkhanuly measured Mikhailovich with a couple of jabs then landed a straight left and a series of hooks and uppercuts that had Mikhailovich staggering a few times then shook him with two hooks. With just seconds remaining in the round Alimkhanuly landed a left that sent Mikhailovich down. Mikhailovich made it to his feet and at the end of the eight count the round was over.
Score: 10-8 AlimkhanulyAlimkhanuly 20-17
Round 3
Alimkhanuly was tracking Mikhailovich looking to end the fight but Mikhailovich ducked and clinched. Alimkhanuly scored with a pair of hooks but Mikhailovich stayed inside denying Alimkhanuly leverage. Mikhailovich was pushing forward refusing to take a step back and landed a couple of hooks inside but Alimkhanuly scored with left counters . 
Score: 10-9 AlimkhanulyAlimkhanuly 30-26
Round 4
Mikhailovich was again driving forward head down aiming to get inside and turn the fight into a brawl. Alimkhanuly was using a side-on stance making it impossible for Mikhailovich to use his left hooks. Mikhailovich had some success but Alimkhanuly was catching him with hooks from both hands inside. Mikhailovich stayed in close but was not doing much effective work and Alimkhanuly was doing the cleaner scoring. 
Score: 10-9 AlimkhanulyAlimkhanuly 40-35
Round 5
Mikhailovich continued to bull forward but was being countered on the way in and outscored at close quarters. A confident Alimkhanuly was able to connect with his punches inside whereas Mikhailovich, with his heads on Alimkhanuly chest, was having to bend his punches wide and was doing more holding than punching. Alimkhanuly was firing short hooks inside or stepping back and. feeding Mikhailovich hooks and uppercuts and dancing on his toes.
Score: 10-9 AlimkhanulyAlimkhanuly 50-44
Round 6
In constantly driving forward Mikhailovich was burning lots of energy to very little effect and was holding too much and punching too little. Alimkhanuly was dancing around with his hands down taunting Mikhailovich scoring with quick punches and easily avoiding Mikhailovich’s attempted counters.
Score: 10-9 AlimkhanulyAlimkhanuly 60-53
Round 7
After being warned for holding Mikhailovich had some success with hooks but Alimkhanuly landed harder and better shots. It was still head down throwing punches from Mikhailovich with Alimkhanuly stepping back, landing a couple of counters and then letting Mikhailovich inside with Mikhailovich working to no effect and being warned for dangerous use of his head. He was charging in with no head movement making an easy target. There was a ragged and tired look about Mikhailovich’s attacks.
Score: 10-9 AlimkhanulyAlimkhanuly 70-62
Round 8
As usual it was head down lunge forward from Mikhailovich so that every time Alimkhanuly stepped back Mikhailovich was falling onto counters. Mikhailovich was showing plenty of guts and determination and scoring with an occasional hook but little else. The main danger for Alimkhanuly came from Mikhailovich’s head and he was cautioned again and a left to the head hurt him at the end of the round.
Score: 12-9 AlimkhanulyAlimkhanuly 80-71
Round 9
Mikhailovich walked onto hurtful uppercuts but kept coming. He connected with a couple of hooks but was again cautioned to keep his head up. The action was stopped to remove a loose piece of tape and when Mikhailovich continued to come forward two left hooks from Alimkhanuly dumped him into the ropes., He landed on the bottom rope and got up but the referee stopped the fight. Mikhailovich protested the stoppage and wanted to fight on but was tired and his work was ragged. He had not even come close to winning a round and would only have suffered more punishment. It was an easy defence for Alimkhanuly and a fight without highlights. Alimkhanuly has no mandatory challenger as both the first and second spots in the IBF ratings are vacant. Mikhailovich was No 3 Hamza Sheeraz No 4 and Chris Eubank No 5 and both would pose a serious threat but Alimkhanuly can choose what he wants to do next and he has said he is looking to unify the belts. Mikhailovich showed plenty of determination and courage but was never in with a chance. 
Motu vs. O’Connell
Motu beats O’Connor in what she hopes will be her last fight before challenging Ellie Scotney for the IBF and WBO super bantamweight titles. Motu was a heavy favourite and a clash of heads in the opening round which saw O’Connell bleeding from a cut high on her forehead made it an uphill battle from the start for her. Motu attacked strongly sensing a quick finish but O’Connell held out to the bell. Motu got through with some hefty punches in the second and O’Connell suffered another serious set-back in the third as a grotesque swelling developed over her right eye. Motu continued to land heavily in the fourth and O’Connell’s corner threw in the towel to get the fight stopped. Motu was to have fought Scotney this month but an injury forced a cancellation and this fight was put together quickly to give Motu some ring time.


Liverpool, England: Feather: Nick Ball (21-0-1) W TKO 10 Ronny Rios (34-5). Super Light: Jack Rafferty (24-0) W RTD 9 Henry Turner (13-1). Bantam: Andrew Cain (13-1) W TKO 2 Lazaro Casseres (11-2). Light: Jadier Herrera (16-0) W TKO 3 Oliver Flores (31-6-2). 

Ball vs. Rios
Ball makes a successful first defence of the WBA belt in front of his home supporters as he beat Rios on a tenth round stoppage.
Round 1
Ball was giving away more than 5” in height and immediately started coming forward behind his jab with Rios jabbing to maintain some distance. Ball was throwing jabs and right hooks and it was immediately evident he was much quicker than Rios. Both landed hooks to the body with Ball scoring with jabs to head and body and short rights. Ball forged forward firing hooks and uppercuts. Rios landed a couple of straight rights but Ball banged back with a burst of punches. 
Score: 10-9 Ball
Round 2
Ball went to work straight away blasting Rios with left hooks and overhand rights. Rios blocked most of them but was throwing very little in return. Ball again fired burst of shots and Rios was too slow to counter. Rios tried some body punches but Ball has a very short trunk and was easily blocking those punches. Rios was firing single shots and his defence was being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of punches from Ball
Score: 10-9 BallBall 20-18
Round 3
Once again Ball came out driving forward throwing punches and a left hook floored Rios. He was up at four and after the eight count Ball battered away at Rios with hooks and uppercuts. Rios tried to box but again found himself showered with punches. Ball maintained the pressure driving Rios to the ropes throwing a series of uppercuts. 
Score: 10-8 BallBall 30-26
Round 4
Rios made a better start to the fourth getting through with a few jabs and straight rights. He was blocking most of Ball’s punches and putting together some combinations of his own. Ball’s output had dropped but he picked up the pace over the last minute only for Rios to end the round with a series of body punches.
Score: 10-9 RiosBall 39-36
Round 5
Rios got the better of the early exchanges as Ball was attacking in much shorter bursts than in the first three rounds and jabs from Rios had Ball bleeding heavily from the nose. Rios landed a couple of left hooks to the body and then they both stood inside throwing hooks to the body. Ball was restricting himself to just a couple of punches instead of the prolonged bursts he had used earlier.
Score: 10-9 RiosBall 48 46
Round 6
Rios made the better start but then Ball upped his pace driving forward with hooks and uppercuts. He was placing his punchers better blocking the punches from Rios and had upped his output. Rios was being forced back by jabs and rights from Ball and was forced to cover up as Ball curved shots around the gloves of Rios and Rios was not throwing much in return.
Score: 10-9 BallBall 58-55
Round 7
Ball had Rios down early in the round. It looked as though Ball landed a left hook to the head and then a push that sent Rios over. Rios was up quickly and he seemed more tired than hurt and it could be that the pace Ball had been setting was wearing down the older man. Rios went into his shell just looking to block as many punches as he could but not firing back and was allowing himself to backed into corners. Ball blasted Rios with uppercuts and bludgeoning rights as the round ended.
Score: 10-8 BallBall 68-63
Round 8
Ball connected with a couple of jabs and drove forward throwing punches but there was not a lot of snap in the shots. Rios landed a few body punches but was driven back by a series of punches from Ball and looked arm weary with the pace of the fight having dropped.
Score: 10-9 BallBall 78-72
Round 9
A positive start from Rios. He was coming in behind his jab and landing rights. A subdued Ball was just letting the punches slide past but not countering and not putting Rios under any pressure which was allowing Rios to work with his longer reach. When Ball did throw shots Rios was just backing away and then jabbing again. It actually looked as though Rios might be turning the fight around.
Score: 10-9 RiosBall 87-82
Round 10.
Both seemed to have found a new reserve of strength as they traded punches at the start of the round. Ball connected with two hard rights and an uppercut. Rios scored with a right cross but Ball took him to the ropes and bombarded him with punches and Rios toppled out through the ropes onto the ring apron. He climbed back to the ring but was utterly exhausted and the fight was stopped.

Rios thrown out of the ropes.

Ball was making the first defence of the WBA title. Rios was No 7 in the IBF ratings so there may be pressure for Ball to defend against No 1 Stephen Fulton which will be a much harder contest. Whoever Ball fights needs to be ready to face the all-out aggression and multiple combinations that are Ball’s trade mark. Rios had lost in previous title shots against Rey Vargas and Murodjon Akhmadaliev and a third chance seems unlikely.
Rafferty vs. Turner 
In a battle for three titles and involving two very different styles Rafferty beats Turner who retires at the end of the ninth round. Turner was on his toes from the start dancing around the slower Rafferty plnging him with punches from both hands and ducking out and away from Rafferty’s attacks. Rafferty kept pressing but just could not pin down the elusive Turner down. He began to have some limited success in closing down Turner from the fourth but still Turner was snapping out jabs connecting with straight lefts and using quick footwork to escape . Rafferty just kept marching forward looking to catch Turner on the ropes or in corners but was frustrated by constant changes of direction by Turner. Turner was still flying in the seventh and landed a beautiful uppercut but he had had been boxing at a very high pace and there were signs that he was starting to pay for that pace at the end of the round being forced to stand and swop punches and fighting with his back against the ropes allowing Rafferty to finally land some hurtful shots. In the ninth Turner was off his toes not moving as much nor as quickly and was starting to lay against the ropes where Rafferty was able to unload on him with both hands. Rafferty landed some heavy rights and lefts and Turner was now exhausted and bleeding from the mouth. He took some severe punishment but gamely tried to fire back. Rafferty chased him to the ropes and fired a series of hooks to the body and Turner slumped to his hands and knees., He barely made it to his feet as the bell sounded and he retired in his corner. It had been a stirring contests but the strength and aggression of Rafferty were too much for Turner who just lacked the power to keep Rafferty out. The spoils went to Rafferty as he retained his Commonwealth title, won the WBC International Silver from Turner and picked up the vacant British belt. Turner is only 24 and showed impressive skills so will rebound.
Cain vs. Casseres
Liverpudlian Cain brushes aside Colombian Casseres in two rounds. Cain was tracking the retreating Casseres around the ring looking to unload some heavy stuff. Casseres kept circling the permitter of the ring rarely moving away from the ropes but managing to stay out of trouble. A left hook sent Casseres down in the second. He struggled to his feet and Cain closed the show with two left hooks that sent Casseres struggling back across the ring and the referee was quickly in to stop the fight. Cain wins the vacant WBC International Silver title with his twelfth victory by KO/TKO. Casseres had won his last seven fights.
Herrera vs. Flores
Cuban Herrera gets his eighth consecutive victory by KO/TKO as he halts Nicaraguan Flores in a clash of southpaws. Flores was fighting out of a crouch with the slick Herrera ducking under or slipping the punches from Flores and he shook Flores at the end of the first round with a solid left. He scored with quick shots in the second and in the third a combination rounded off with a wicked left hook to the body sent Flores down and he was counted out. Herrera, 22 wins the vacant WBA Inter-Continental title and has ended 14 of his 16 fights inside the distance, He is the grandson of Cuban great Angel Herrera a double Olympic gold medallist and World champion. Flores experienced but hardly counts as active. He did not fight in 2020 and had just one fight in each of years 2021, 2022 and 2023 and this is his only fight soi far in 2024.


Hamburg, Germany: Middle: Angelo Frank (16-2) W RTD 3 Orlen Padilla (27-14-1). Middle: Alexander Pavlov (22-4) W TKO 2 Peer Dippe (2-15-2). Middle: Denis Krieger (16-13-2) W PTS 8 Carlos Angeles (9-1).
Frank vs. Padilla
This show was to celebrate German reunification but unfortunately fights for Shannon O’Connell and Freddy Kiwitt fell through with Angelo Frank promoted to the main event. In his first fight for five years Frank won the WBFederation title as Padilla retired after four rounds. Padilla had a good first round jabbing accurately and moving well. Frank got into his stride from the second putting Padilla under constant pressure. He landed some heavy punches in the third with Padilla having to soak up some severe punishment. It proved too much for the Colombian and he did not come out for fourth round.
Frank had won a few minor titles but attempts to move up led to inside the distance losses against Deniz Ilbay and Sebastian Formella. Padilla, 38, suffers loss No 13 by KO/TKO.
Pavlov vs. Dippe
This was an easy night for Hamburg’s Pavlov. After a feeling out first round of he floored Deppe in the second and with Dippe down and bleeding heavily from the nose the fight was stopped. Pavlov had put together a run of nine wins including a first round stoppage of unbeaten Thomasa Piccirillo but was stopped in three rounds by former IBO champion Etinosa Oliha 17 days ago. Poor Dieppe was 0-1-14 in his last 15 fights.
Krieger vs. Angeles
Krieger springs a surprise as he takes a close unanimous decision over Universum Promotion ‘s prospect Angeles. In the early rounds the clever Dominican outboxed the Moldovan journeyman but Krieger began to roll from the fourth and the action heated up. There were good exchanges in the fourth with Krieger rocking Angeles and Angeles banging back. It was close but in the seventh Angeles made a “gesture” to antagonise Krieger and the referee deducted a point for unsportsmanlike behaviour! That proved crucial as Krieger won on scores of 77-75, 77-76 and 76-75. Krieger had lost 7 of his last 8 fights but had proved durable with only one loss by KO/TKO. He was brought in to give Angeles some work as the Dominican and won five first round victories.


St. Julians, Malta: Bantam: Muhammad Waseem (13-2) W TKO 3 Jaba Memishishi (8-27)
Waseem has no trouble beating late substitute Memishishi. Body punches weakened the Georgian and after three knockdowns the referee stopped the fight. Now 37 Pakastani Waseem is seeking a third world title shot. He is currently unrated not having fought since losing on points against Sunny Edwards for the IBF flyweight title in March 2022. Georgian southpaw Memishishi, who came in as a very late substitute, has now lost his last 20 fights . 

Cancun, Mexico: Super Bantam: Celex Castro (18-0) W TKO 3 Ckari Cani (17-4). Fly: Joselito Velazquez (20-1-1) W TKO 6 Andres Campos (16-2-1). 
Castro vs. Cani
Castro dominated from the start. He was using his height and longer reach forcing Cani back with strong jabs and firing swinging hook’s. Cani was crude and slow and in the second as he missed with punches in a wild attack a counter from Castro sent him down. He beat the count but was under pressure again from Castro’s jab which had Cani bleeding heavily from the nose. In the third Castro connected with a straight right and a left hook and as Cani ploughed forward a counter sent him sprawling to the ropes and down. He struggled to his feet but was shaky and after the eight count the referee waived the fight over. Eleventh inside the distance wins in his last twelve fights for local prospect Castro. Argentinian No 6 featherweight Cani gets his second loss by KO/TKO.
Velazquez vs. Campos
Velasquez produces a stunning left hook to defeat a very competitive Campos. Velazquez made a fast start bombarding Campos with a series of hooks and uppercuts that staggered Campos. The Chilean settled in the second and showed some nice jabs of his own but the faster hands, variety of punches and power from Velazquez had Campos struggling and a left hook sent him down. Campos was up at six and took plenty more punishment but was fighting back at the bell. Campos took the fight to Velazquez over the third and fourth as they swopped punches in some ferocious exchanges. Campos continued to storm forward in the fifth with Velazquez under heavy pressure and forced to hold to stem the Chilean’s attacks. Velazquez was again forced onto the back foot by Campos in the sixth but then landed a left hook to the head that had Campos out on his feet and as Velazquez drove forward Castro staggered back across the ring to the ropes and the referee dived in and threw his arms around Campos to end the fight. Fourth victory for WBO No 9 Velasquez since losing on points against Cristofer Rosales in December 2022 and his thirteenth inside the distance finish. Campos had lost to Sunny Edwards in a challenge for the IBF flyweight title in June 2023.

Madrid, Spain: Super Welter: Amin Hachimi (12-0-1) W PTS 8 Kelvinyer Salazar(19-3-1, 1ND).
Local fighter Hachimi outboxes and outscores solid Venezuelan Salazar. Hachimi controlled the action landing well to head and body but boxing conservatively and taking no chances. Salazar was marginally competitive but took the punishment and did not crumble. Scores 80-72 from all three judges. Former Spanish champion Hachimi got in some useful rounds as he prepares to challenge for the national super welterweight title. Now four losses in his last five bouts for Salazar.

Houston, TZ, USA: Welter: Quinton Randall (15-2-1) W PTS 10 Janelson Figueroa Bocachica (17-3-1, 1 ND). Super Middle: Tipton Walker (10-0-1) W PTS 8 Marquis Moore (11-2). Super Light: Giovanni Marquez (11-0) W TKO 2 Thomas Guillemette (8-3).
Randall vs. Bocachica
Randall boxes his way to victory over Bocachica. He was quicker, had more variety in his work and a solid defence. Bocachica was competitive all the way but was frustrated by Randall’s skills and too often caught with powerful rights. He had some good moments but not enough to stop Randall’s march to victory. Scores 99-91, 97-93 and 96-94. Randall dropped decisions in tough fights against the now WBO champion Brian Norman Jr and unbeaten Gor Yeritsyan but had rebounded with two wins. Bocachica was 17-0-1 but decision defeats against Roiman Villa, Alberto Palmetta and now Randall have derailed him.
Walker vs. Moore
Walker evened things up for Michigan with a close unanimous decision over Moore with both fighters having rust to shed . The 6’2” Walker used his physical advantages to build a good lead. He was having only his third fight in five years but had won a fight in April. Moore was having his first fight since March 2022 and also only his third in five years. Walker held on to his lead despite a strong closing effort from Moore who came on strong late but just could not cancel Walker’s early lead. Scores 77-75 twice and 78-75. For Walker. Both had good amateur pedigrees with Walker twice a bronze medallist at the National Golden Gloves and Moore twice a gold medallist at the National Golden Gloves
Marquez vs. Guillemette
Neighbourhood fighter Marquez makes it six wins by KO/TKO as he stops Frenchman Guillemette in the second round. A right floored Guillemette in the second and although he made it to his feet he wobbled and the referee waived the fight over. Marquez, 23, is worth keeping an eye on. He was National Golden Gloves champion in 2021 and is the son of former IBF light middleweight champion Raul Marquez.


Charleroi, Belgium: Super Light: Antoine Vanackere ( 23-1, 1 ND) W RTD 8 Rafael Hernandez (37-22-4). Cruiser: Michiel Partoens (7-0) W KO 2 Adnan Deronja (15-9). Feather: Miko Khatchatryan (1-1) W PTS 8 Cesar Paredes (17-12-1). Heavy: Ryad Merhy (33-3) W RTD 1 Halim Haxhijaj (5-3). Middle: Ibrahima Diallo (10-0-2) W TKO 2 Elton Azzopardi (3-2-02). Light: Kurt Scoby (15-1) W TKO 4 Ramiro Martinez (8-5).
Vanackere vs. Hernandez 
In a southpaw vs. southpaw fight Vanackere beats Venezuelan Hernandez on an eighth round retirement. EBU No 9 Vanackere has now won his last 15 fights. Fifth loss in his last 6 fights for Hernandez. 
Partoens vs. Deronja
Belgian champion Partoens knocks out Bosnian Deronja to win the vacant BeNeLux title with his sixth inside the distance victory. Seventh loss by KO/TKO for Deronja.
Khatchatryan vs. Paredes
Khatchatryan given a tougher than expected test by Peruvian southpaw Paredes but wins the unanimous decision on scores of 79-73, 78-74 and 77-75. Fifth win in a row for Khatchatryan since losing on points against Joe Cordina in 2021. Eighth consecutive defeat for Paredes.
Merhy vs. Haxhijaj
Merhy beats an overmatched Haxhijaj. A left to the body floored Haxhijaj. He beat the count but Merhy hunted him around the ring and landed a right to the head that dropped Haxhijaj and the towel came in. Merhy easing his way back after a disappointingly negative display when losing to Jared Anderson in April. Kosovan novice Haxhijaj in way over his head.
Diallo vs. Azzopardi
Belgian champion Diallo gets his first inside the distance win as the doctor advises the referee to stop the fight as Maltese champion Azzopardi is bleeding heavily from a cut on his scalp. 
Scoby vs. Martinez
Visiting American Scoby gets his thirteenth win by KO/TKO with stoppage of Argentinian Martinez. First fight in Belgium for Scoby. Three inside the distance losses in a row for Martinez.

Tokyo, Japan: Super Bantam,: Subaru Murata (8-0) W TKO 9 Kaito Yamasaki (9-1). Light: Kenichi Ogawa (29-2-1,1 ND) W KO 4 Alan Alberca (13-9).
Murata vs. Yamasaki
Murata and Yamasaki clash for the vacant WBO Asia Pacific title in a fight that is a candidate for Fight of the Year in Japan as both fighters are down before Murata wins in the ninth round. They traded punches over the first two rounds with Yamasaki connecting with some hard rights against southpaw Murata. Yamasaki was forging forward in the third but Murata nailed him with a right hook that dropped him. Yamasaki recovered and they traded punches fiercely. Murata was on top in the seventh and had Yamasaki badly shaken but as a he moved in a right from Yamasaki sent Murata face down on the canvas. Murata beat the count and clinched before rocking Yamasaki with right just before the bell. Murata used some strong lefts to score in the eighth and dropped Yamasaki with left in the ninth. Yamasaki beat the count but the referee took a close look at Yamasaki and stopped the fight.
The 27-year-old Murata, who had his first professional fight in Las Vegas, was a four-time champion as an amateur and competed at the World Championships and World Youth Championships. Yamasaki played his part in a great scrap. 
Ogawa vs. Alberca
Ogawa continues business post his second kayo loss against Joe Cordina with an easy win over modest Filipino Alberca. Ogawa had Alberca down early and then landed a left to the body in the third round with Alberca getting up and being saved by the bell. A right to the body put Alberca on the floor in the fourth and he was counted out. The loss to Cordina in June 2022 cost Ogawa his IBF title. He is 36 but is determined to be the oldest world champion. Fifth inside the distance loss for overmatched Alberca.

Zlotow, Poland: Feather: Damian Wrzesinski (28-3-2,1 ND) W PTS 10 Mauro Perouene (16-9-1). Super Welter: Tomasz Nowicki (12-3-2, 1ND) W PTS 8 Nathan McIntosh(14-3-1). 
Wrzesinski vs. Perouene
Wrzesinski returns to the ring for the first time in a year and decisions Argentinian southpaw Perouene. Wrzesinski was a comfortable winner on scores of 99-91 from all three judges. Wrzesinski lost a unanimous decision against Anthony Cacace last year in a challenge for the IBO title. Perouene is 2-7 in fights outsides Argentina including losses against Dalton Smith and Archie Sharp.
Nowicki vs. McIntosh
Southpaw Nowicki gets a wide unanimous verdict against England’s McIntosh. When these two fought in November it ended in a split draw. Nowicki was in better condition this time and boxed more on the back foot McIntosh pressed hard but was clearly outscored as Nowicki won on the cards 80-72 twice and 78-74. After a run of three losses Nowicki is now 2-0-2 in his last four fights. Nottingham-born McIntosh was inactive from October 2017 before returning with the draw against Nowicki in November.

Madrid, Spain: Light: Antonio Collado (17-1) W PTS 10 Leonardo Uzcategui (23-10-3). 
Former Spanish lightweight champion Collado turns in a dominant performance as he outclasses Venezuelan Uzcategui. Collado used his superior skills and some pressure tactics to control the fight. He varied his attacks well and scored with hurtful body shots that had Uzcategui in trouble. Uzcategui stood up to the punishment well but the fitter and faster Collado was a big winner and collects the WBA| IberoAmeriucan belt on scores of 100-90 twice and 98-92. His aim now is a shot at the European title. Uzcategui was a respectable 9-1-1 going into this fight.
Oldham, England: Super Middle: Reece Farnhill (11-0) W PTS 10 Ryszard Lewicki (8-1-2).
Local boxer Farnhill continues unbeaten as he takes a hard-fought split decision over UK-based Pole Lewicki. Scores 97-94 and 97-95 for Farnham and 96-95 for Lewicki. Farnhill wins the vacant English title.

Hidalgo, Mexico: Super Bantam: Alan Picasso (30-0-1) W PTS 8 Diego Ruiz (24-10-1). 
WBC No 1 Picasso scores decision over Argentinian Ruiz. With the main event being cancelled it was decided to reduce this to an eight round fight. Picasso dropped a gutsy Ruiz in the fourth and won 80-71 on the cards.

October 6

Bangkok, Thailand: Super Fly: Angelina Lukas (11-1) W PTS 10 Debora Lopez (21-3-1).
Dubai-based Kazakh Angelina “Barbie” Lukas wins the vacant IBO title with a unanimous decision over Argentinian Lopez. Lukas was able to use her edges in height and reach to outscore Lopez in a bad tempered match which saw both break the rules on numerous occasions. Lopez was the only one punished losing a point in sixth for punches to the back of the head which cost her the chance of a draw but Lukas was equally guilty and even appeared to take a bite out of Lopez. Scores 95-94 twice and 97-92 for Lukas.

Fight of the week: (Significance): Zhanibek Alimkhanuly vs. Andrei Mikhailovich with Alimkhanuly now looking to unify the middleweight titles
Fight of the week: (Entertainment): Subaru Murata vs. Kaito Yamasaki was a punch fest that saw both boxers on the floor. Honourable mention to Joselito Velasquez vs. Andres Velasquez
Fighter of the week: Zhanibek Alimkhanuly for outclassing Andrei Mikhailovich
Punch of the week: The left hook from Joselito Velazquez which had Andres Campos out on his feet.
Upset of the week: Denis Krieger had lost 7 of his last 8 fights but had proved durable with only one loss by KO/TKO. He was brought in to give unbeaten prospect Carlos Angeles some work as the Dominican and won five first round victories.
Prospect watch: Welterweight Giovanni Marquez, the son of former of former IBF light middleweight champion Raul Marquez is 11-0 with six wins by KO/TKO 


-WBO sows confusion: Is Alimkhanuly still their champion? 
On October 3, the WBO World Championship Committee issued a ruling granting sanction approval of the WBO/IBF unified middleweight championship contest between Zhanibek Alimkhanuly and Andrei Mikhailovich scheduled for October 4 in Australia. The Alimkhanuly/Mikhailovich took place, but only the IBF middleweight championship was at stake.
According to WBO rules, any champion who conducts a contest in the champion’s weight division which is not a defence of the title can result in that title being vacated.
Team Alimkhanuly has now been ordered to “SHOW CAUSE” within the next 5 days as to why the WBO should not declare their middleweight championship “vacant” due to failure to comply with terms and conditions established in the “resolution” dated October 3.
-Lots of recriminations over the last minute cancellation of the fight between Omar Chavez and Olympian Misael. Both made the weight for the fight but Rodriguez team refused to fight as Chavez far exceeded the rehydration agreement weight. This was argued out whilst both boxers were in the dressing rooms but Rodriguez and his team walked out.
October 6 Bangkok
Sirimongkol SingwanchaW PTS 12 Matt Floyd. Singwancha won the vacant World Boxing Foundation light heavyweight title.
Just another fight, just another fighter. No by no means!
Singwancha is 47 years-old is 5’6” and has a 99-5 record with 62 wins by KO/TKO. He turned professional in 1994. In 1997 he won the WBC bantamweight title and in 2002 the WBC super featherweight title. Over the years he has won minor titles at super flyweight, super lightweight, welterweight and middleweight and now light heavyweight. He once put together a run of 28 wins. He then lost a fight and won his next 51 fights so going 79-1 over those two runs. He has had a fight in every one of those twenty years except 2010, 2022 and 2023. A boxing life less ordinary-and no talk of retirement.

About the Author

Born in Scotland, Eric Armit started working with Boxing News magazine in the UK in the late 1960’s initially doing records for their Boxing News Annual and compiling World, European and Commonwealth ratings for the magazine. He wrote his first feature article for Boxing News in 1973 and wrote a “World Scene” weekly column for the magazine from the late 1970’s until 2004. Armit wrote a monthly column for Boxing Digest in the USA and contributed pieces to magazines in Mexico, Italy, Australia, Spain, Argentina and other countries. Armit now writes a Weekly Report covering every major fight around the world and a bi-weekly Snips & Snipes column plus occasional general interest articles with these being taken up by boxing sites around the world. He was a member of the inaugural WBC Ratings Committee and a technical advisor to the EBU Ratings Committee and was consulted by John McCain’s research team when they were drafting the Ali Act. He is a Director and former Chairman of the Commonwealth Boxing Council. Armit has been nominated to the International Boxing Hall of Fame the past two years (2019 and 2020) to which he said, “Being on the list is an unbelievably huge honour.”

Click here to view a list of other articles written by Eric Armit.

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