DEVIN HANEY vs RYAN GARCIA ROUND BY ROUND UPDATE By Ralph Rimpell PhilBoxing.com Sun, 21 Apr 2024 Garcia connects with a hard left cross at Haney in the first round. Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York -- In the weeks leading to up to Garcia vs Haney there were Media reports that ticket sales for the event were slow. Looking at the attendance in the arena as the two fighters made there way to the ring, that appears to be inaccurate as there appears not to be one empty seat in the house. Folks Garcia vs Haney is sold out!!! By the time both Fighters made it to the ring they both looked ready for war!!! Round 1 Ryan comes mouth very aggressive. Shows no fear. Throws combinations and lands a left hook that stuns Haney. Haney ends up respecting Garcia's Power. Ryan looks for the big punch but the round ends before can land it. 10-9 Garcia. Round 2 Haney trying to close the gap, but unable to land anything significant. Haney still being cautious after Ryan hurt him the first round. Garcia 10-9 Round 3 Haney able to land a good left hook which got a reaction out of Garcia. Garcia managed to keep his composure and tie Haney up. A lot of holding in round 3. Haney 10-9. Round 5 Haney trying to be more aggressive to land the big punch, but doesn't land it. Garcia again evades Haney's punches. Haney 10-9 Round 4 Good defense by Garcia and use of the ring. Both fighters did not land much by way of punches.10-9 Garcia Round 6 Garcia begins to show more offense and begins to unload punches on Haney. Garcia 10-9 Round 7 Garcia scores a knockdown and hurts Haney badly! During clinch as the referee attempt to separate the fighters Garcia punches Haney and is deducted a point. Haney appears hurt and tired after the action resumes and continues to clinch. Haney survives the round. It would have been a 10-8 round for Garcia if he was not deducted a point. 10-8 Garcia Round 8 Haney tries to work his way in to the fight. Garcia boxes well, use the ring well, and evades Haney's punches. Haney still looks tired, but so is Garcia. 10-9 Garcia. Round 9 More of the same action from round 8 in round 9. 10-9 Garcia Round 10 Garcia scores a other knockdown in round 10, but is unable to finish Haney. 10-8 Garcia Round 11 Garcia drops Haney with a beautiful left hook! 3rd official knockdown of fight by Garcia! The Crowd at Barclay goes crazy chanting "Ryan, Ryan, Ryan"!!! 10-8 Garcia Round 12 Garcia boxes carefully. Again uses the rings well. Doesn't allow Haney tom close the gap. Sbowboats the last 30 second to run out the clock. 10-9 Garcia. Click here to view a list of other articles written by Ralph Rimpell. |
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