Terence Crawford Stops Errol Spence in 9th in Spectacular Fashion! - Blow by Blow Account (Photos) By Ralph Rimpell PhilBoxing.com Sun, 30 Jul 2023 T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada -- Round 1 - Feeling out round by both fighters with neither fighter landing anything significant. Even round. Round 2 - Good combination by Crawford that knocks down Spence. Spence fans are shocked by Spence's first knockdown of his career. Spence is saved by the bell.10-8 Crawford. Round 3 - Spence trying to make up for knock down and throwing heavy punches. Crawford working behind his jab. Crawford beating Spence to the punch. Outlanding Spence. 10-9 Crawford. Round 4 - Crawford is picking Spence apart. Spence's nose and lip is bloody. Spence has no answers for Crawford's offense. 10-9 Crawford. Before the start of round 5th round the Ringside Doctor asked Spence if he wants to continue. Spence says yes. Round 5 - Crawford resumes his work and lands at will against Spence. Space continues to bleed from the nose and and lip. Spence tries to throw at Crawford's body but Crawford's defense is tight. Crawford 10-9. Round 6 - Crawford continues to pick apart Spence. Spence has no answers for Crawford's skillful boxing. Spence lunges at Crawford and continues to miss badly. Crawford 10-9. Round 7 - More of he same action continues from round 6 except for Crawford scores two knockdowns in the round. The second knock down was late in round 7 and Spence beats the count. The round ends which is what saves Spence from TKO or KO. Crawford 10-7 round. Round 8- Spence fights desperately to try and land something against Crawford to no avail. Crawford continues to neutralize Spence's jab and continues to punish Spence. Crawford's face is as fresh as when he came out in the first round. Spence has not landed cleanly against Crawford. Crawford 10-9. The referee intervenes to stop the carnage. Round 9 - Crawford, perhaps sensing he can end the fight, goes on attack. Crawford mauls Spence like a pitbull against a chihuahua and lets loose a barrage of punches. Crawford continues with the attack and Spence is just being punished by Crawford. The Referee who had let this fight continue long enough, decides to end the fight. The time of the stoppage was 2:32 9th round. Crawford dances in the ring in celebration with his family which was what the Spence camp said he would not do. Crawford makes history. Crawford is a 3 division champion (135lbs, 140lbs, 147lbs). He is the only male fighter to be undisputed champion in the 4 belt era (WBA, WBC, WBO, IBF) for the 140 lbs and 147 lbs division. In the post fight interview Crawford thanked GOD. He talked about how he was never given an opportunity citing he was not good enough by the competition which why he was never given an opportunity. Spence when interviewed was gracious in defeat. Said his timing was off and said Crawford was the better man. Click here to view a list of other articles written by Ralph Rimpell. |
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