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PHILBOXING FORUM FEATURE ARTICLE: NICK GIONGCO MISQUOTES JUSTIN FORTUNE? By Dong Secuya PhilBoxing.com Tue, 10 Apr 2007 ![]() This is our maiden article featuring posts from the PhilBoxing Forum that are worthy of making it to the PhilBoxing.com headlines. This particular feature contains four related threads from the forum on the subject all initiated by well-known boxing scribe Brad Cooney. Read on ... JUSTINE FORTUNE "NICK GIONGCO IN MY OPINION IS A LIAR!" By bradcooney1 A recent article written by Nick Giongco (Manilla Bulletin) has Pacquiao conditioning trainer Justine Fortune furious. Titled, FORTUNE WANTS ROACH OUT OF PACQUIAO CORNER, Giongco has Fortune quoted as saying, "He can’t have both," and "Yeah, it could mess things up (if Roach comes to Texas)," said Fortune. Fortune told me (Brad Cooney) " In my opinion, Nick Giongco is a liar. He has totally twisted, and fabricated what was said. I think that for whatever reasons he may have, he is trying to drive a wedge in between me and Freddie Roach." STAY TUNED FOR MORE ON THIS ONE FOLKS. Brad C Click view whole topic: http://forum.philboxing.com/viewtopic.php?t=68913 NICK GIONGCO RESPONDS TO MY OPEN LETTER VIA EMAIL By bradcooney1 Nick just emailed me and told me that he just arrived in San Antonio. He said that he and Justine had talked, and he told me that he would be contacting me shortly. I admire Nick for having the gonads to contact me, and I also would like to point out, if I were such a bad journalist as some of you think, I wouldn't be wasting my time giving the guy a platform to respond. I think it was Panday that suggested this, and to be honest, at first I didn't want to, but after some thought, I said "what the hell".. why not give the guy his turn, EVEN though it's not my obligation or duty to. Let's see what he has to say when he calls me. Brad C Click for more: http://forum.philboxing.com/viewtopic.php?t=68987 JUSTINE FORTUNE WANTS 3 WAY CONFERENCE, ME, NICK, JUSTINE! By bradcooney1 Justine Fortune requested that I do a three way phone conference RECORDED on the record between Justine, Nick, and myself as the moderator. We are scheduled to do it tomorrow evening around 9pm central time... Fortune spoke with me via phone from San Antonio, and requested that he, Nick, and myself get on conference call. Justine wants to confront Nick on the record for all to hear. Just to be cautious here, Nick may have an explanation, I hope he does because this could be a very interesting conversation. Brad C http://forum.philboxing.com/viewtopic.php?t=68990 JUSTINE FORTUNE NICK GIONGCO UPDATE! By bradcooney1 Ok, everybody... When you read what I have to say, I want everybody to just look at this objectively, and keep your heads cool. This is a situation that could really impact the career of Nick Giongco. Many of you want Nicks head on a platter, and a few of you support the guy. I for one have said that I am not salivating over this, and although I think that Nick's story should have NEVER been posted, I don't think I want to see the guy lose his job. With that said... Justine Fortune and I spoke on the phone today, he told me that he and Nick had a conversation about this whole nightmare. Fortune and Nick agreed to privately settle their differences, and both opted to turn down the conference call. I KNOW that some of the paclanders will jump onto the conspiracy train here, and run with assumptions. Just know this, Nick gave Fortune an explanation, and Fortune accepted the explanation. Whether or not Justine accepted, or was offered an apology, I do not know. When and if the time comes when I can get further updates, I will surely do that. I know one thing, I am pretty sure there was a lesson learned by all of this. Brad C Click for more: http://forum.philboxing.com/viewtopic.php?t=69085&sid=5 Click here to view a list of other articles written by Dong Secuya. ![]() |
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