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The Whole Tooth and Nothing But ...

By Ed de la Vega, DDS

Sun, 12 Sep 2010

Floyd Mayweather Jr maybe a jerk but he may not be totally stupid. He knows how to keep himself on the limelight when he is almost down and out. Unfortunately, the media for some reason or another keeps on making it easy for him to be out front and center.

Mayweather with the unbelievable things he has done surely does not deserve all of these. Who is he anyway that would merit so much ink?

Mayweather is just a punk who happens to be a good boxer. But does he really deserve all the ink the media is giving him, particularly after all the unsavory things he has said and done?

Of course not!

So, why do we continually make it easy for him to stay in the limelight? Why do we continue to allow him to have a lock on the media?

Isn?t it time that we all stop?

Therefore, with this piece I ask all the media people, particularly those that write a whole lot about boxing for a news-black out.

Let us not write anything about this fellow until he finally signs a contract to fight Manny Pacquiao.

If we do so, we will force him to finally realize that a great majority of us are all sick and tired of his stupid behavior and hopefully, that will cool him off.

If he knows that even the most stupid thing he will do will not merit ink, I am pretty sure he will think twice before he will do it. Hopefully, he has the capacity to realize that.

In my opinion, Mayweather does all these silly and oftentimes outrageous things just to be on the news. He knows that Pacquiao and Margarito are now up front so he needs to do something drastic and despicable in order to be ahead or at least have an equal share of the limelight.

And, with all the coverage we so graciously give him, I think he is succeeding in his quest for exposure.

He is indeed an expert in making the media a sucker for anything and everything he does.

Who cares about his domestic problems with the mother of his children? Who cares if he goes to the races at Del Mar and poses for a photo with celebrity writer Robin Leach, or has $500 lobster dinner with Don King? That?s all petty and does not deserve what we gave him in terms of ink.

But we are all suckers and we write about it!

We have to stop this madness!

Floyd is nothing but a boxer, albeit a good one. But for as long has he cherry picks his opponents and does not accept the fight the whole world expects him to accept, anything he does is just petty. It does not deserve to get on the news at all!

So how about it guys? Are you willing to be counted in?

Surely, there is other news-worthy stuff going on in boxing. Floyd is not the only action in town.

Unless of course you use him as your main cow to increase the number of articles credited to your name.

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