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The Whole Tooth and Nothing But ...

By Ed de la Vega, DDS

Tue, 08 Sep 2009

Following Marvin Sonsona’s brilliant victory last weekend over Jose 'Carita' Lopez at the Casino Rama outside of Toronto, Canada, certain people brought out the prospect of seeing him fight with another Filipino champion, Nonito Donaire, Jr.

Obviously, if such will happen it will be a made-to-order story for the media just like the Mayweather family saga. Needless to say, the media as well as forum bloggers will have a feast.

However, from the perspective of this writer, a fight between the two Filipino champions is far from happening.

And, it should not happen!

After all, there is simply no rhyme or reason for it.

Filipino fighters without doubt are warriors. History has proven that. But practical reasoning dictates that fighting each other for a world title just does not make sense.

Besides, what’s the logic of fighting amongst each other when there are plenty of foreign boxers out there who can provide the challenge with possibly more money to make?

What is the point of bringing a fellow Filipino down?

People may say that others like the Mexicans and the Japanese do it, why can’t the Pinoys?

So what? We don’t need to do what others are doing!

And, why lose another title for the country just to satisfy the few when we only have a handful to begin with?

Another reason why the fight will not happen is because Donaire Jr., who is having a difficult time making weight in the lower weight class, is moving up as he go after bigger names in the 118 and 122 weight class leaving Sonsona to take care of the guys at 112-115 weight class.

Sonsona may have to stay at 115 for a while (he just moved up for Lopez, remember?) to fight and conquer the many non-Filipinos who lurk at this level. Finishing off those people is what Sonsona needs to gain more credibility and exposure as well as boosting his stock.

Then, there is the issue between the Donaire’s. No matter what is said in the media Donaire Sr. knows better than fit Sonsona with his son.

Blood is thicker than water, you know.

Regardless of the “family riff”, I believe Donaire Sr will never be on the opposite corner when his son, Nonito Jr is fighting.

Unlike the Mayweathers, regardless of how much money is to be made, Nonito Sr is far too intelligent to be persuaded to compromise his son, despite the well publicized so called family differences.

Yes, he might have said in the Sonsona post fight interview that they are ready to fight Junior. However, I think that is just a statement made after the heat of battle. It’s more of a celebratory statement than anything else to show that they are ready to take on all comers.

Besides, what does he stand to gain if he plots against his son? Why rub salt on an open wound?

I am sure he will not go out there and contribute to the defeat of his son. Remember what he told the Concepcion people when they asked him how to beat his son?

Nor is he going to prove that he is a better trainer than the Penalosas. And much less, he is not going to see the downfall of his son as a boxer just to punish him and show that he can not succeed further without his Dad.

Donaire Sr may not be a saint but he is a far better person and a father than that!

In addition, Doniare Sr, with the victory of Sonsona and the others he trained, does not need to beat Junior to demonstrate his skills as a world class trainer. His record speaks for itself.

On the other side of the coin, I also believe that Junior will not take a fight with Sonsona for as long as his Dad is the latter’s trainer. After all, like his Dad, what has he got to prove? That he is now a big man and can take care of himself even if his Dad on the opposite corner?

Of course not!

There is absolutely no reason for Junior to fight with his father on the opposite corner. He has already proven with his recent victories that he can manage on his own. Going against his Dad is not going to prove anything further. It will only drive them further apart.

Thus, if people are waiting for a Sonsona–Donaire Jr fight to happen, they may wait for a very long time.

My best guess is it will only happen if Donaire Sr is no longer involved with Sonsona. But from the looks of it, Donaire Sr will now be a permanent fixture on Team Sonsona so a Donaire Jr-Sonsona fight is far from happening soon.

Oh, lastly, it is not fair to compare the Donaire’s with the Mayweathers. No offense meant, but the Donaire family does not deserve such comparison. They are simply different.

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