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By Rich Mazon

Wed, 16 May 2012

The reactions to Manny Pacquiao's remarks against his stand on gay marriage caught up like wildfire in America. The internet was filled with various articles and blogs of disapproval of Pacquiao's recent remarks against the issue of gay rights in this country. He is receiving a deluge of criticisms of an opinion on an issue that is both political and social in nature. A subject that is both sensitive and controversial nowadays.

Pacquiao elaborated his stand against his opposition to gay marriage by quoting passages from the bible in an interview with LA based Filipino/American reporter Granville Ampong. And the biblical passages he mentioned supporting his opposition to this matter did not go well to most that have read it. He was quoted as mentioning a passage in Leviticus 20:13 that states "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.? A very strong statement that has surely opened Pacquiao to numerous rebuttals and reaction from the public because of it. Hence, the outcry regarding it especially in the Land of The Free that is the United States of America.

Pacquiao simply stated his opinion regarding this subject on the query of Ampong who is's writer on conservative issues. Little would he know, that an honest reply and explanation of his stand will be seen in bad light by the public. One that has forced a planned media appearance of him in a local shopping and entertainment complex in Los Angeles today to be called off by its organizers owing to the remarks he has made in that interview. The backlash against the popular boxer has started and is slowly building like a forest fire because of this.

Which makes me question what the motive of Ampong is in asking Pacquiao those questions. Knowing Pacquiao's recent religious outlook and affiliations, was the question regarding gay marriage purposely asked to get the boxer to say the wrong thing? Because if you think about it, any answer of Pacquiao be it pro or against the issue will certainly put him in a compromising situation.

If he said yes, he supports gay marriage; I am sure that he will be questioned and challenged because of his Catholic and Christian convictions. And when he said that he is against it as he did, he surely will get this response and censure from those who support it.

Was it the writer's motive to get Pacquiao to say the wrong thing in a hotly sensitive and emotional topic? How did the subject of gay marriage come up in the first place in an interview of a sports personality? Was Pacquiao's slew of highly paid advisers and PR people caught napping? They seemed to be there at his side every time there are press conferences or media appearances surrounding a fight or an event. They are always quick to react and come to his aid whenever a member of the press comes out with a question that catches him off guard. It seemed that this one interviewer got away with a question that will normally drew reaction from the boxer's PR people. Was this a " set-up " interview? And did the boxer-congressman fall for it like a prey that was set up to be trapped in the jungles of journalism?

These are just questions of mine and I do not defend Pacquiao in this issue. I realized that like the rest of us, he is entitled to his own opinion on different subject matters. But that does not come free, it comes with either good or bad consequences. I wished that he had exercised restraint in answering those questions by Ampong. He should have chosen his response on an issue that is sure to stir emotions. Better yet, I wished he opted to not have answered it. Sometimes , saying nothing or declining to answer a certain question from the press is a smart move. He has done that numerous times in the past on various issues. He should have done it here. A " No Comment" answer would have prevented all of this.

I am also not criticizing Ampong , he did not do anything illegal herein. He was just merely asking a question on a topic he covers from a very popular and influential person. But then again, I want to ask him; Is Pacquiao the right subject to ask this questions from? This from the knowledge of Pacquiao's hard stance in the Philippines against contraception and reproductive health and his being a devout Catholic and Christian and his strict adherence to its teachings. Pacquiao can get away with such answers in the Philippines, but he certainly won't be spared here in America. And Pacquiao is realizing that now.

Whatever the intentions for the interview was, it matters not anymore. Manny Pacquiao has said his piece and he is reaping the ramifications of such statements from the public. But I know that Pacquiao has always been a man of peace, he has always taken the high road of not engaging his detractors and enemies. He has always preached the value of camaraderie and unity and I am sure that he will do so after realizing how his statements divides us in this issue. He has always been known to bridge friendships amongst his peers, I am certain that trait has never left him. It probably has gotten stronger these days owing to his religious reformation. I have no doubt he will do the right thing here. I hope though that he does it at the soonest time to prevent this fire from spreading and inflicting more damage.

Pacquiao quoted the holy book in his remarks in the said interview, I hope he and all of us will benefit from this biblical passage as well from Luke 6:37.

"Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."

You can reach the author at for any reactions to this piece.

Photo: Pacquiao pays homage to Cebu's patron the 'Sto. Nino.' in this file photo.

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