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By Rich Mazon

Fri, 30 Dec 2011

Don Jose Sulaiman issued a statement yesterday via email clarifying his remarks on an article posted here in Philboxing. An article that caused a deluge of criticisms from myself and another colleague of mine, Dr. dela Vega. It also was criticized heavily by other boxing sites including ESPN. It was related to Sulaiman?s remarks that ?while beating a lady is highly critical, it is not a major sin or crime.? Sulaiman?s comment was in connection to the World Boxing Council?s (WBC) decision not to strip Floyd Mayweather of his welterweight title because of his impending jail sentence after pleading guilty to a domestic battery charge. A comment that is both insensitive and ignorant.

Yesterday, Sulaiman issued an email to clarifying the said remarks. I was expecting him to issue a formal apology that will end all of this discussion. A sincere and simple mention of sorry and that he did not intend what he remarked would have suffice to me. He apologized alright, but apologized ?for not finding the right word in English.? I understand it, to some extent. You see, like Sulaiman, English is not my primary language. I have at times finding difficulty expressing my thoughts verbally because of that. That is why at times I restrain myself on expressing my thoughts unless I thought it over and over again. Sulaiman clearly made a careless comment but to blame the language barrier for it, is finding some sort of an excuse on a clearly misguided statement.

Of course we make mistakes and sometimes we say things that we do not mean. I do believe that Sulaiman did not mean that laying a hand on a woman is acceptable because it is not comparable to more heinous crimes like murder and rape. But I was hoping that he would retract that statement and simply apologize. But that he did not. Instead he wrote things that sings praises of himself as a husband, father grandfather a Catholic and an advocate of women in boxing. I have no problem with that. I commend him that he is what he said he is. But that does not address this simple but important issue. He issued an statement that contradicted what he said he is and that cannot be justified with this reasoning.

Boxing is not only a man?s sports. As Sulaiman said, he is ?the person that developed female boxing.? Besides women?s boxing , the sport involves and employs women in all its phase of operation. The fans of the sport are not merely men and boys but the opposite gender as well. It makes me smile to see female fans troop to an arena where a fight is being held. It amuses me when an aunt or a co - worker of mine invites me to a party in their house during Pacquiao fights. Not only do they buy the $60 or $70 PPV but also spends time, money and effort to serve their guests with food and drinks. It refreshes me when I hear comments and opinions from my female friends all over the world when it regards to the sport. The love of boxing is not limited to one gender anymore. And to suggest that violence against them is tolerable by no less than an acknowledged figure in the sport is preposterous.

I am not attacking Don Jose personally. I am not that kind of person who takes this job personally. I abhor his remarks and not him as a person. I write about this because it should be addressed and not to gloat or showboat. If I did not, I will not be able to sell and promote the sports to my female family, friends and acquaintances. If I kept silent, I share Sulaiman?s stand as well which I do not. Because of this, other writers have come to criticize his remarks as well. The boxing community disapproves of it. The fans that knew about it, be it a man or a woman denounces it. And rightfully so, It is an ignorant and misguided statement. And to make excuses for it adds salt to the wound Don Jose Sulaiman created.

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